
Original Little People
Boys: Blue Body

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The figures below are sorted alphabetically by body color, then alphabetically by hat color and style (if applicable), then alphabetically by hair color. Be sure to note that the figures are also sorted by color shades (light blue first, then medium blue). |
Body Color: Light Blue |
Occupation: Boy |
Body/Base Shape: Narrow Base / Straight Sides / Short |
Facial Features: Frowning / Black dot eyes / Furrowed brows / Downward curved half-circle nose / Red freckles / Red frowning mouth |
Hat: Medium blue cap with a M-shape above the bill |
Hair: None |
Sex: Male |
Skin: Caucasian |
Moustache: None |
Beard: None |
Hat: Medium blue cap with a M-shape above the bill |
Hair: None |
Sex: Male |
Skin: African-American |
Moustache: None |
Beard: None |
Body Color: Medium Blue |
Occupation: Boy |
Body/Base Shape: Regular Base / Short |
Facial Features: Frowning / Black dot eyes / Furrowed brows / Downward curved half-circle nose / Red freckles / Red frowning mouth |
Hat: Red baseball cap facing sideways |
Hair: None |
Sex: Male |
Skin: Caucasian |
Moustache: None |
Beard: None |
Hat: Red baseball cap facing sideways |
Hair: None |
Sex: Male |
Skin: Caucasian |
Moustache: None |
Beard: None |
Body Color: Medium Blue |
Occupation: Boy |
Body/Base Shape: Regular Base / Short |
Facial Features: Frowning / Black dot eyes / Furrowed brows / Downward curved half-circle nose / Red freckles / Red frowning mouth |
Hat: Yellow baseball cap facing sideways |
Hair: None |
Sex: Male |
Skin: Caucasian |
Moustache: None |
Beard: None |
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