



Wheel Chair Version




Little People




Description: The Chunky Little People School Bus is a large yellow plastic bus with 7 seats, one for the driver, and 6 for the passengers. When children turn the driver, the stop sign swivels out and the bus door opens. The bus was sold with 6 Little People figures and Lucky the dog.
The School Bus is the only Chunky Little People set that has just as many accessories as the Original Little People equivalent (1965-1990's #192 School Bus). The bus is also the only Chunky Little People set that includes a peg body Lucky dog, all of the other Chunky sets includes molded plastic dog and animal figures.
In 1996 the bus was slightly changed with a wheelchair ramp on the back. This bus was sold with a wheelchair and 5 Little People figures.
In 1997 this bus was sold with Current Little People figures opposed to Chunky Little People figures. The set was sold with the same bus and wheelchair that was used with the Chunky Little People version.
Accessories: Please remember that the following accessories are the accessories that are pictured in the Fisher-Price catalogues. These should be used as guidelines only, as other variations may exist.
- 1992-1995 Chunky Little People:
- FPT5747 - Yellow School Bus with a black interior and a black rim around the outside. Black litho on side is marked "Fisher-Price" in white. The bus has litho headlights and front grill, and a litho above the windshield marked "School Bus". Back of bus has litho taillights, bumper, and license plate. When children turn the accessory driver figure, the stop sign swivels out and the bus door opens.
- 7 Chunky Little People figures:
- FPT3726 - Dog (Lucky) with a black body and a red collar.
- FPT3701 - Boy with blonde hair and a blue body.
- FPT3709 - Boy with brown hair and a green body.
- FPT3703 - African-American Boy with black hair, a light blue upper peg and red lower peg body.
- FPT3711 - African-American Girl with black hair in buns on the sides and a yellow body.
- FPT3700 - Girl with brown hair, a red body, and red freckles on her face.
- FPT3728 - Girl with red hair in a bun, a yellow upper peg and a blue lower peg body.
- 1996 Chunky Little People - Model number changed to #72372:
- FPT5746 - Yellow School Bus vehicle with a wheelchair lift on the back. The bus has a black interior with a black rim around the outside. The side has a red awning-shaped logo with "Fisher-Price" in white. The bus has litho headlights and front grill, and a litho above the windshield marked "School Bus". Back of bus has litho taillights and blue/white wheelchair/handicapped sign. Rear flap folds down to form a wheelchair ramp. Inside bus includes 4 seats and area for wheelchair (indentions in flooring for wheelchair wheels prevents rolling).
- FPT5921 - Blue wheelchair with 2 large GREY wheels. Measures 2-1/2" long x 2-3/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall. *See "Variations" below.
- 5 Chunky Little People figures:
- FPT3730 - Bus driver figure with a turquoise body wearing a turquoise cap.
- FPT3795 - African-American boy with black hair, an orange upper peg and blue lower peg body.
- FPT3701 - Boy with blonde hair and a blue body.
- FPT3700 - Girl with brown hair, a red body, and red freckles on her face.
- FPT3711 - African-American Girl with black hair in buns on the sides and a yellow body.
- 1997-1998 Current Little People:
- FPT5746 - Yellow School Bus vehicle with a wheelchair lift on the back. The bus has a black interior with a black rim around the outside. The side has a red awning-shaped logo with "Fisher-Price" in white. The bus has litho headlights and front grill, and a litho above the windshield marked "School Bus". Back of bus has litho taillights and blue/white wheelchair/handicapped sign. Rear flap folds down to form a wheelchair ramp. Inside bus includes 4 seats and area for wheelchair (indentions in flooring for wheelchair wheels prevents rolling).
- FPT5921 - Blue wheelchair with 2 large GREY wheels. Measures 2-1/2" long x 2-3/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall. *See "Variations" below.
- 5 Current Little People figures:
- FPT4691 - Male bus driver with a white long-sleeve shirt with a blue tie, blue pants with a black-grey belt, a blue hat, and black hair, a black moustache, black belt and black shoes
- FPT4761 - Girl wearing red glasses and shoes and a yellow raincoat and hat
- FPT4756 - Asian girl with a pink skirt and headband, black hair and shoes and white shirt and socks.
- FPT4740 - African-American boy wearing a red cap, green sweater, blue shorts and white shoes.
- FPT4723 - Boy with blonde hair, a red and white striped shirt, blue shorts with a frog hanging out of his pocket, an orange backpack and white shoes.
- FPT5924 - Blue wheelchair with 2 large YELLOW wheels. Measures 2-1/2" long x 2-3/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall.
Other Information:
- 1992-1995
- FP2372BOX1992 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 13-1/4" long, 8" high, 6-3/8" deep box marked #2372 with Chunky Little People pictured on the sides (no wheelchair).
- FP2372SET1992 - Complete set in original box (described above).
- 1996
- FP72372BOX1996 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 13-1/4" long, 8-1/2" high, 6-3/8" deep box marked #72372 with Chunky Little People (and a wheelschair) pictured on the sides.
- FP72372SET1996 - Complete set in original box (described above).
- 1997-1998
- FP72372BOX1997 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 13-1/4" long, 8-1/2" high, 6-3/8" deep box marked #72372 with Current Little People pictured on the sides.
- FP72372SET1997 - Complete set in original box (described above).
- This bus was replaced in 1999 with #72699 Little People School Bus.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |