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Front View

Side 1

Side 2

Back with Litho

Back with
NO Litho

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Description: Three years after Fisher-Price discontinued their very first cash register, the #972 Cash Register, Fisher-Price introduced the #926 Cash Register. The #926 is a newer, yet similar, version of the #972 Cash Register. The most major change is the fact that the #972 register was all-wood with all-wood coins. The #926 is all-plastic with all-plastic coins. Unlike the old register, the #926 has a coin return ramp on the side. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- B926A - Plastic cash register with a red base and an orange-ish (plastic) upper housing. The register has a brown coin shelf on the front, a green cash drawer under the coin shelf, a red coin-return chute on the side, a green crank handle on the other side, and woodgrain lithos. The register HAS a back litho. Measures 9-1/8" wide, 7-7/8" deep, 7-3/4" tall. *See "Variations" below.
- 6 plastic coins:
- FPT959 - 2 each - Round red plastic coin marked "5" on one side and "5" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side. Coin measures 1-3/8" diameter, 1/2" thick.
- FPT960 - 2 each - Round yellow plastic coin marked "10" on one side and "10" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side. Coin measures 1-1/4" diameter, 11/16" thick.
- FPT961 - 2 each - Round blue plastic coin marked "25" on one side and "25" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side. Coin measures 1-1/2" diameter, 7/16" thick.
- B926B - Cash Register, same as above, except with NO BACK LITHO.
Other Information:
- 1975-19?? (Cash Register with Back Litho):
- FP926BOX1975 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 7-3/4" long, 10-5/16" high, 7-3/4" deep box.
- FP926SET1975 - Complete set sold in Original box.
- 19??-1990 (Cash Register with NO BACK LITHO):
- FP926bBOX19?? (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 7-3/4" long, 10-5/16" high, 7-3/4" deep box.
- FP926bSET19?? - Complete set sold in Original box. WFL: 07-AF-03-2-C
- Also see 1960's #972 Cash Register.
- Also see 1991's #2044 Cash Register.
- Also see 1998-2002's #72412 Cash Register.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |