#B1266 - "Little People Noah's Ark". 2002-2004. Full Description.
Brown hinged Ark Hull with green windows, 4 wheels. Marked "B1266, ©2002". Figures & animals marked "©2002". Includes toolbox, water bucket, feed crate. |
#B4249 - "Little People Noah's Ark". 2002-2002. Full Description.
Yellow hinged Ark Hull with 4 wheels. Marked "B1266, ©2002". Figures & animals marked "©2002". Includes toolbox, water bucket, feed crate. |

#B1266 - "Little People Noah's Ark". 2003-2004. Full Description.
Yellow hinged Ark Hull with 4 wheels. Marked "B1266, ©2002". Figures & animals marked "©2002". Includes toolbox & feed crate (no water bucket). |

#B1506 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2003-2006. Full Description.
Peacocks, Leopards, Rhinos - marked "©2002". |

#B1507 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2003-2006. Full Description.
Alligators, Panda Bears, Hippos - marked "©2002". |
#B7704 - "Little People Noah's Ark with Animal Friends". 2003-2003. Full Description.
Yellow hinged Ark Hull with 4 wheels. Marked "B1266, ©2002". Figures & animals marked "©2002". Includes Peacocks, Leopards, Rhinos, toolbox, water bucket, feed crate. |
#H9180 - "Little People® Noah's Ark". 2005-2005. Full Description.
Brown hinged Ark Hull with yellow windows, no wheels. Marked "H9180, ©2004". Figures & animals marked "©2002 & ©2004". Includes feed crate, peacocks, elephants, giraffe, and zebras. |
#H9182 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2005-2005. Full Description.
Panda Bears, Lion Cubs, Turtles - marked "©2002 & ©2004". |
#H9183 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2005-2005. Full Description.
Leopards, Hippos, Kangaroos - marked "©2002 & ©2004". |
#K0475 - "Little People® Noah's Ark (with Touch & Feel™ Animals)". 2006-2006. Full Description.
Brown hinged Ark Hull with yellow windows, no wheels. Marked "K0475, ©2005". Includes Touch & Feel™ Animals marked "©2005". |
#K0725 - "Little People® Ark Animals (with Touch & Feel™ Animals)". 2006-2006. Full Description.
Touch & Feel™ Giraffe and Tigers marked "©2005". |
#K0726 - "Little People® Ark Animals (with Touch & Feel™ Animals)". 2006-2006. Full Description.
Touch & Feel™ Peacocks & Camels marked "©2005". |
#K0475 - "Little People® Noah's Ark". 2007-2007. Full Description.
Yellow Ark Hull (not hinged, no wheels). Marked "K0475, ©2005". Includes Animals marked "©2007". |

#L1023 - "Little People® Noah's Ark Gift Set (with Touch & Feel™ Animals)". 2007-2007. Full Description.
Brown Ark Hull with yellow windows, not hinged, no wheels. Marked "K0475, ©2005". Includes Touch & Feel™ Animals marked "©2005" and turtles marked, "©2004". |
#M6570 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2007-2009. Full Description.
Panda Bears, Lion Cubs, Turtles. |
#M6571 - "Little People® Noah's Animals". 2007-2009. Full Description.
Leopards, Hippos, Kangaroos. |
#P2165 - "Little People® Noah's Ark Gift Set (with Touch & Feel™ Animals Kohl's Exclusive)". 2008-2008. Full Description.
Brown Ark Hull with yellow windows, not hinged, no wheels. Marked "K0475, ©2005". Includes Touch & Feel™ Animals marked "©2005" and turtles marked, "©2004". |