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Description: The Fisher-Price Little People Noah's Ark set began in 2002 with the B1266 (BROWN ark) and the catalog exclusive B4249 (YELLOW ark). In 2003, extra animal sets were sold (B1506 & B1507). The #B7704 Noah's Ark with Animal Friends combines the ark set with the B1506 Animals set. Per the Bible story, the ark doors open wide for all the animals to come inside, two by two!
The ark has wheels to roll, a removable deck with upper cabin, rainbow flag on cabin roof, and a large hull (hinged to open for inside play) that doubles as a storage container for set pieces. Accessories include Noah and his wife, 2 giraffes, toucans, lions, zebras, peacocks, rhinos, and leopards! Also includes a water bucket, tool box, and crate of animal feed. Designed for children ages 1-5 years old. |
- FPT31031 - Noah's Ark (complete YELLOW ark with following pieces):
- FPT30988 - Hull -
Yellow wood-simulated ship hull with a door opening (for fold-down ramp door) on one side and 3 square windows on other side (each window has a YELLOW frame). Hull is hinged to open in half for inside play (press button to release latch and open). Inside half with door has 2 square lithos (animal checklist and 'framed' picture of a home, rainbow, and palm trees on a beach). Inside half with windows includes a square litho ('framed' picture of Noah and his wife). Both halves of inside hull have a BROWN hay-simulated floor with molded feed and wood-simulated floor areas. Bottom of hull has 4 red wheels (2 wheels on each half of hull). Bottom is marked, "B1266, FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF, ©2002 MATTEL, INC., EAST AURORA, NY 14052, CHINA".
- FPT31029 - Hull Ramp/Door -
Yellow square wood-simulated fold-down door with a yellow handle. Back side of door has 6 "steps" for ramp when door is folded down.
- FPT31030 - Deck with Cabin -
Green ship deck (wood-simulated top) with a YELLOW wood-simulated cabin (removable cabin door).
The cabin has a molded shelf with food and molded bedding inside. Cabin has a purple roof with 3 pegs on pitch (with hole in top center of each peg) to attach figures or flag.
One side of the deck has a lift-up hatch door (FPT30977) to drop animals inside. Edge of deck has a lip to fit on top of the ark hull. Center of edge lip has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo and marked
"Little People®" in curved yellow text
(with blue outline).
- FPT30977 - Deck Hatch Door -
Green ship deck hatch door with a round "handle" and wood-simulated design on one side. Door is flat on bottom edge, arched on top with a half-circle cut-out in top center (by knob).
- FPT30961 - Cabin Door -
Small dark pink (mauve) rectangular wood-simulated door. Back side of door has 4 divider lines.
- FPT30962 - Rainbow Flag -
Dark pink (mauve) flag with a short flag pole (peg on bottom of flag pole) and molded cloud on top of pole. One side has a 5-color rainbow litho 'flag'. Other side of flag has a molded lightening bolt and 8 raindrops.
- Feed & Accessories:
- FPT30963 - Water Bucket -
Round green wood-simulated bucket (2 small handles on top edge) with blue "water" (and 2 gold fish) on top.
- FPT30985 - Tool Box -
Red rectangular wood-simulated tool box with 2 rounded rope-simulated handles on top edge of short sides. Tools on top of box include a yellow rope, brown hammer, grey angle ruler, and 4 grey nails.
- FPT30965 - Crate of Feed -
Purple rectangular wood-simulated crate with 2 small rectangular handles (top edge of short sides). Top of crate has molded veggies such as yellow corn, orange carrots, green peas, and purple cabbage.
- 2 Little People figures:
- FPT30990 - Noah -
Bald man with white curl on forehead, white curly hair in back, white beard and moustache. Wears a purple robe with brown "rope" belt. Has green scarf over right shoulder. Holds a shepherd's staff in left hand and has a white dove on left shoulder. Wears brown shoes (sandals). Side of left shoe is marked, "Little People®" in curved blue text. Side of right shoe is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figures is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- FPT30986 - Naamah (Noah's Wife) -
Female with dark grey hair long (braid over left shoulder) and a red (rust) rope headband. Wears a red (rust) robe with a purple sash over right shoulder that drapes under left arm. Holds a brown basket in right hand. Wears brown shoes (sandals). Side of left shoe is marked, "Little People®" in curved yellow text. Side of right shoe is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figures is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- 14 Little People Animal figures (Male & Female 'pairs'):
- Birds (Toucans):
- FPT30970 - Male Bird (Toucan) - Blue bird (toucan) with wings spread open and head turned towards the right. Has a yellow chest and eye area, green ring around each eye, green beak with yellow side and red tip, and dark blue feet. Back tail feather area is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo and marked, "Little People®" in purple text. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT30971 - Female Bird (Toucan) - Light purple/pink bird (toucan) with wings spread open and head turned towards the left. Has a yellow chest and eye area, green ring around each eye, green beak with yellow side and red tip, and light blue feet. Back tail feather area is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo and marked, "Little People®" in purple text. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- Giraffe:
- FPT30994 - Male Giraffe - Dark yellow giraffe (head turn towards RIGHT & tail pointed DOWN). Giraffe has a BROWN mane, horn tips, tail tip, and spots. Giraffe has an open mouth & white hooves. Back of left leg is marked "Little People®" in curved brown text. Back of right leg has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT30993 - Female Giraffe - Dark yellow giraffe (head turn towards RIGHT & tail pointed UP, across back with tail tip behind neck). Giraffe has a BROWN mane, horn tips, tail tip, and spots. Giraffe has an open mouth, PINK cheeks and inner ears, white hooves. Back of left leg is marked "Little People®" in curved brown text. Back of right leg has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- Lions:
- FPT31007 - Brown lion with a large dark brown mane, long tail with dark brown hair on tail tip. Lion has a rounded body, standing on all four feet (all feet molded together). Lion has black dot eyes and a large black nose. Back of rear left foot is marked, "Little People®" in curved brown text. Back of rear right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT30973 - Female Lion (Lioness) - Brown lioness with a long tail (dark brown hair on tail tip). Lioness is standing on all four feet (all feet molded together). Has black dot eyes, a large black nose, PINK cheeks and inner ears. Back of rear left foot is marked, "Little People®" in curved brown text. Back of rear right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- Zebra:
- FPT30974 - Male Zebra - White zebra with black stripes, black and white mane, BLACK hooves, black eyes, black snout, and long tail (tail curved up). Zebra's 4 feet are connected. Back of rear left foot is marked, "Little People®" in curved purple text. Back of rear right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT30975 - Female Zebra - White zebra (female) with PINK cheeks and inner ears, black stripes, black and white mane, white hooves, black eyes, black snout, long tail (tail curved to right side). Zebra's 4 feet are connected. Back of rear left foot is marked, "Little People®" in curved purple text. Back of rear right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "FISHER-PRICE, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- Peacocks:
- FPT31032 - Male - Blue male peacock with large rounded green tail feathers (tips of tail feathers have blue, purple and yellow designs). Peacock has white rings around large black eyes, white beak, and yellow feet. Side of left foot is marked, "Little People®" in blue text. Side of right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- FPT31033 - Female - Pink female peacock with pink feathers around neck and long tail feathers in back. Peacock has white rings around large black eyes, white beak, and yellow feet. Side of left foot is marked, "Little People®" in blue text. Side of right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- Leopards:
- FPT31034 - Male - Orange male leopard with thick black C-shaped 'spots' on head, body and tail. Head is tilted right, tail curved right and ends on top of back. Leopard has a large black nose and black eyes. Back of left foot is marked, "Little People®" in blue text. Back of right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- FPT31035 - Female - Orange female leopard with thick black C-shaped 'spots' on head, body and tail. Head is turned right, rear hips higher than front shoulders, tail curved right and ends on right side of body. Leopard has a black nose, black eyes, and PINK inner ears. Back of left foot is marked, "Little People®" in blue text. Back of right foot is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- Rhinos:
- FPT31036 - Male - Dark grey rhino (male) with black dot eyes, 2 white horns on snout, white toenails, and a green turtle on it's back (turtle is sideways, toward right of rhino). Rear left leg is marked, "Little People®" in yellow text. Rear right leg has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of rhino has a round 5/8" recess and marked, "FISHER-PRICE, A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
- FPT30663 - Female - Light grey rhino (female) with black dot eyes, pink cheeks, 2 white horns on snout, white toenails, and a green turtle on it's back (turtle's head looking toward left of rhino). Rear left leg is marked, "Little People®" in yellow text. Rear right leg has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of rhino has a round 5/8" recess and marked, "FISHER-PRICE, A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FPB7704BOX2003 (Box ONLY) - This set was sold in a full color display box, marked "B7704".
- FPB7704SET2003 - Complete set in original box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |