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Fisher-Price Maintenance: Drive Belts

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Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #800 Talk-To-Me Player run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? Assuming that your batteries are good, it's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT43
Price: $16.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-1-S

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1st Class Mail US only
$16.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $26.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$16.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $50.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$16.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $29.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$16.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $61.94 total

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Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #826 Fisher-Price Tape Recorder or #3800 / #73800 Tape Recorder run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? Assuming that your batteries are good, it's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT62
Price: $16.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-8-W

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1st Class Mail US only
$16.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $26.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$16.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $50.94 total
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Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$16.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $29.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$16.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $61.94 total

Larger Photo
Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #3818 Tape Recorder run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? Assuming that your batteries are good, it's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT63
Price: $17.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-8-L

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1st Class Mail US only
$17.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $27.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$17.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $51.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$17.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $30.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$17.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $62.94 total

Larger Photo
Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #3808 Tape Player run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? Assuming that your batteries are good, it's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT66
Price: $16.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-7-Z

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1st Class Mail US only
$16.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $26.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$16.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $50.94 total
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Priority Mail US only
$16.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $29.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$16.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $61.94 total

Larger Photo
Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #820 Portable Gramophone , #816 Sesame Street Phonograph, or #3814 Phonograph run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? It's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT65
Price: $21.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-02-C-G

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1st Class Mail US only
$21.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $31.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$21.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $55.94 total
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Priority Mail US only
$21.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $34.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$21.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $66.94 total

Larger Photo
Item: Drive Belt
Description: Does your #835 Fisher-Price Stereo System run slow or sound warbly? Or does it not turn at all? It's probably due to a stretched or broken rubber drive belt......and we have the correct replacements in-stock and ready to go!
Part Number: TOT68
Price: $21.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-03-0-E

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1st Class Mail US only
$21.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $31.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$21.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $55.94 total
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Priority Mail US only
$21.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $34.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$21.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $66.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Drive Wheels

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Item: Driver Wheel
Description: Here is the special driver wheel rubber tire that is used to regulate the rotation speed of the turntable platter on the #825 Fisher-Price Phonograph. This rubber "tire" gets worn over time, either cracking and breaking or warping, which leads to uneven turntable speeds or complete failure. This rubber tire slips over the white plastic driver roller (roller is non-replaceable and almost never fails anyway) and restores the player to peak performance.
Part Number: TOT42
Price: $17.95
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

WFL: 07-AJ-02-A-S

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$17.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $27.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$17.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $51.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$17.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $30.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$17.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $62.90 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Bulbs

Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: Replacement Bulb for the #3809 Star Stage. This incandescent bulb features better-than-original brightness and longer life design. Use one bulb per stage, but you might also want to keep a spare on hand.
Part Number: TOT120
Price: $8.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

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1st Class Mail US only
$8.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $18.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$8.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $42.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$8.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $21.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$8.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $53.94 total

Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: Projection Bulb for the famous #463 Movie Viewer Theater. Flashlight-sized 6-volt bulb features better-than-original brightness and longer life design. Use one bulb per theater, but you might also want to keep a spare on hand....
Part Number: TOT16P
Price: $8.99 pair (2 Bulbs)
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A4-13-3-J

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1st Class Mail US only
$8.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $18.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$8.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $42.94 total
All Other Countries:
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Priority Mail US only
$8.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $21.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$8.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $53.94 total

Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: Replacement Bulb for the #47 Deluxe Musical Rocking Horse Nursery Lamp and #9309 Humpty Dumpty Musical Nursery Lamp. Nitelight-sized bulb features better-than-original brightness and longer life design. Use one bulb per lamp, but you might also want to keep a spare on hand....
Part Number: TOT56
Price: $5.99 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-02-7-V

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1st Class Mail US only
$5.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $15.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$5.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $39.94 total
All Other Countries:
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Priority Mail US only
$5.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $18.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$5.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $50.94 total

Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: Replacement light bulb that fits the #6609 Discovery Globe.
Part Number: TOT55
Price: $6.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-02-2-W

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1st Class Mail US only
$6.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $16.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$6.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $40.90 total
All Other Countries:
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Priority Mail US only
$6.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $18.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$6.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $51.90 total

Larger Photo
Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: These miniature light bulbs can really light up your life! Exact replacements for the original FPT16861 bulbs used on the following sets:

Precious Places Sets:
#5151 Silver Bells Wedding Chapel (use 2)
#5152 Blue Ribbon Pony Stable (use 1)
#5153 Pink Slippers Ballet Studio (use 1)
#5155 Best Friends Pet Shop (use 1)
#5161 Baby's Nursery Cottage (use 1)
#5162 Country Kitchen Cottage (use 1)

Magic Vacs:
#2007 Magic Vac
#2049 / #72049 Magic Vac
Part Number: TOT114
Price: $3.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

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1st Class Mail US only
$3.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $13.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$3.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $37.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$3.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $16.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$3.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $48.90 total

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Item: Replacement Bulb
Description: These tiny light bulbs will let there be light, again! Exact replacements for the original FPT45440 bulbs used on the #5166 Magic Key Mansion set. Use 1 bulb per fixture, 5 per mansion.
Part Number: TOT115
Price: $3.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

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1st Class Mail US only
$3.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $13.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$3.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $37.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$3.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $16.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$3.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $48.90 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Record Player Needles

Item: Replacement Needle
Description: Correct replacement record player CARTRIDGE / NEEDLE fits the following models:

This needle almost always wears out after a few years of use, and contributes to the weak, tinny sound made when trying to play albums or the plastic records in the #1-28 Talk-To-Me books. This correct replacement needle fits and just like the original, even down to the original black plastic shell color. Installation nstructions are included. NOTE: the original Fisher Price needles used a single (one-sided) diamond-tipped cartridge, our replacements have DUAL tips, so you’ll get twice the playing time (when the first needle “tip” wears out, you remove the cartridge and flip it over to gain access to the other tip), thus these needles are actually only HALF the cost of regular single-tipped needles!

Part Number: TOT14
Price: $59.95
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-BS-03-4-A

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$59.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $69.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$59.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $93.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$59.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $72.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$59.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $104.90 total

Item: Replacement Needle
Description: Correct replacement "airplane" shaped stereo diamond needle perfectly replaces the original in all of the following models:

#835 Fisher-Price Stereo System.

This high quality needle is an excellent replacement of the original and allows the best sound to be heard while also minimizing the damage that occurs to your vintage vinyl albums!

Part Number: TOT15
Price: $32.95
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A4-13-3-K

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$32.95 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $42.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$32.95 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $66.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$32.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $45.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$32.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $77.90 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Screw Removal Tool

Item: Security Screw Removal Tool
Department 6: Non-Toys & Accessories
Aisle D: Miscellaneous
Description: This tri-Y security screw removal tool is used to take the special tri-wing security screws that hold the case together on the #825 Fisher-Price Phonograph & #835 Fisher-Price Stereo you can "get inside" to the electronics for repair or driver tire roller replacement. Tri-wing security screws cannot be removed with a regular screw driver (no matter how hard you try!). Long since discontinued from any source, this 1/4" drive bit works and is affordable. Once you have used this tool to remove the screws, you can replace them with our set of 6 Philips Head screws that will make future maintenance much easier.
Part Number: TOT70
Price: $24.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-04-9-B

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1st Class Mail US only
$24.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $34.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$24.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $58.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$24.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $37.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$24.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $69.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Screws

Larger Photo
Item: Set Of 6 Replacement Screws
Description: Make future repairs, cleaning and maintenance of your Fisher-Price Phonograph quick and easy with our set of 6 Philips Head replacement screws. These screws will only work on Fisher-Price Phonograph models #825 Fisher-Price Phonograph and #835 Fisher-Price Stereo System.
Part Number: TOT52set6
Price: $5.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-02-7-I

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1st Class Mail US only
$5.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $15.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$5.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $39.94 total
All Other Countries:
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Priority Mail US only
$5.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $18.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$5.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $50.94 total

Larger Photo
Item: Set Of 6 Replacement Screws
Description: Make future repairs, cleaning and maintenance of your Fisher-Price Phonograph quick and easy with our set of 6 Philips Head replacement screws. These screws will only work on Fisher-Price Phonograph models #820 Portable Gramophone ,#816 Sesame Street Phonograph, or #3814 Phonograph
Part Number: TOT124set6
Price: $7.99
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-AI-02-7-I

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1st Class Mail US only
$7.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $17.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$7.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $41.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$7.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $20.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$7.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $52.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Turntable Retainer Clips

Item: Turntable Retainer Clip
Description: Small retainer clip that holds the shaft of the turntable platter in place. Essential to operation, this clip does not wear out, but is easily lost. Fits Fisher-Price Phonograph model #825 Fisher-Price Phonograph.
Part Number: TOT53
Price: $1.99 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-6-F

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$1.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $11.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$1.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $35.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$1.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $14.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$1.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $46.94 total

Item: Turntable retainer clip
Description: Small retainer clip for the #820 Portable Gramophone ,#816 Sesame Street Phonograph, or #3814 Phonograph that holds the shaft of the turntable platter in place. Essential to operation, this clip does not wear out, but is easily lost.
Part Number: TOT64
Price: $1.99 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details
WFL: 07-A2-02-8-M

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$1.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $11.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$1.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $35.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$1.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $14.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$1.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $46.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Nut Removal Tool

Item: Nut Removal Tool
Description: Is your #995 Music Box Record Player music box record player acting sluggish and playing slowly? Well, the internal spring motor probably needs cleaning (with compressed air) and gentle lubrication (with silicone spray lube). Fine, easy enough. Now how do you get the darned thing apart? Very carefully, that's how. And first, you'll need this special tool, because most of these players used a tiny hex-headed nut that is deeply recessed within the bottom of the case, and cannot be accessed by a regular socket or nutdriver. This special thin-head/thin-shaft nutdriver has the proper sized head and can easily access those deeply recessed nuts. Of course, removing the nuts is only half the fun! We also include a free copy of the TOT60 disassembly instructions (listed below) that shows you how to properly take the case apart, once you get those pesky little nuts loose!

NOTE: some music box record players used screws instead of nuts to hold the case together.....if your unit uses the screws, you're in luck! You won't need this tool, just a long thin screwdriver. But you'll still probably need the instruction sheet listed below.
Part Number: TOT59
Price: $19.99 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$19.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $29.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$19.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $53.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$19.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $32.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$19.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $64.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Instructions

Item: #995/#995N/#2205 music box record player disassembly instructions
Description: Getting the nuts or screws out of the bottom of your case is only half the fun! Getting the top and bottom halves of the case separated from each other is like one of those Chinese know it can be solved, but how? This three page guide shows you the quick and easy way to do it without breaking the case. Save yourself hours of frustration and order this sheet....unless you just love solving puzzles!

Disassembly Instructions for:

Part Number: TOT60
Price: $4.99 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

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1st Class Mail US only
$4.99 each + $9.95 Shipping
= $14.94 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$4.99 each + $33.95 Shipping
= $38.94 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$4.99 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $17.94 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$4.99 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $49.94 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: Replacement Balls

Item: Replacement Balls
Description: Reproduction replacement WOODEN ball for the #979 Dump Truckers (1965-1967). Replaces original FPT259 ball.
Part Number: TOT100
WFL: 07-A4-23-6-N
Price: $9.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$9.95 each + $10.95 Shipping
= $20.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$9.95 each + $34.95 Shipping
= $44.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$9.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $23.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$9.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $51.90 total

Item: Replacement Balls
Description: Reproduction replacement PLASTIC ball for the #979 Dump Truckers (1965-1967). Replaces original FPT258 ball.
Part Number: TOT105
Price: $8.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$8.95 each + $10.95 Shipping
= $19.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$8.95 each + $34.95 Shipping
= $43.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$8.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $22.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$8.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $53.90 total

Larger Photo
Item: Replacement Balls (Basketball)
Description: Soft, round, and slightly squishy……..this basketball is the perfect replacement for the missing ball(s) on your #3355 Triple Arcade.   Just like the originals, this basketball is made of foam and thus never needs inflating.
Part Number: FPT31114R
Price: $19.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$19.95 each + $12.95 Shipping
= $32.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$19.95 each + $36.95 Shipping
= $46.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$19.95 each + $14.95 Shipping
= $34.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$19.95 each + $47.95 Shipping
= $67.90 total

Larger Photo

Replacement vs.

Item: Replacement Balls (Skee Ball)
Description: Red, hollow, hard plastic ball is the perfect replacement for the missing skeeball(s) on your #3355 Triple Arcade.   Very similar to the originals, but these balls feature a “hexagonal” soccer ball look --- rather than the original basketball appearance --- but are the same size and weight as the original balls, and thus will correctly replace the 3 original “basketball” appearance balls. 
Part Number: FPT31120
Price: $8.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$8.95 each + $10.95 Shipping
= $19.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$8.95 each + $34.95 Shipping
= $43.90 total
All Other Countries:
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Priority Mail US only
$8.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $22.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$8.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $53.90 total

Item: Replacement Balls
Description: Reproduction replacement red foam ball for the #999 Magic Show (1965-1967). Replaces original FPT22047 ball
NOTE: these are slightly softer than the original balls, but will perform properly for the magic tricks they are used with.
Part Number: TOT101
WFL: 07-A4-24-1-K
Price: $8.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

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1st Class Mail US only
$8.95 each + $10.95 Shipping
= $19.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$8.95 each + $34.95 Shipping
= $40.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$8.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $22.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$8.95 each + $44.95 Shipping
= $50.90 total

Fisher-Price Maintenance: POWER SUPPLIES

Some Fisher Price products are designed to be used with either batteries or AC power supply (some record players), or, AC only ---- and in either case, a proper type AC-to-DC power adapter is required. We have them available for some of the most popular toys of this era:

Larger Photo
Item: Power Supply
Description: Aftermarket record player AC-to-DC POWER SUPPLY, correct voltage and plug to fit the #820 Portable Gramophone and the #3814 Phonograph. Enjoy your music even if your batteries are dead! NOTE: no returns are accepted on this item. Each transformer is tested prior to shipping for correct output, but we cannot guarantee that a new transformer will solve whatever problem you are experiencing with your record player!
Part Number: TOT110
Price: $39.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$39.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $53.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$39.95 each + $39.95 Shipping
= $79.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$39.95 each + $17.95 Shipping
= $57.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$39.95 each + $49.95 Shipping
= $89.90 total

Larger Photo
Item: Power Supply
Description: Aftermarket record player AC-to-DC POWER SUPPLY, correct voltage and plug to fit the 816 Sesame Street Phonograph. Enjoy your music even if your batteries are dead! NOTE: no returns are accepted on this item. Each transformer is tested prior to shipping for correct output, but we cannot guarantee that a new transformer will solve whatever problem you are experiencing with your record player!
Part Number: TOT122
Price: $39.96 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$39.96 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $53.91 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$39.96 each + $39.95 Shipping
= $79.91 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$39.96 each + $17.95 Shipping
= $57.91 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$39.96 each + $49.95 Shipping
= $89.91 total

Larger Photo
Item: Power Supply
Description: Aftermarket AC-to-AC POWER SUPPLY, correct voltage for the #463 Movie Viewer Theater. This brand new power supply requires minor installation (wire cutting, stripping, and crimping) and comes with illustrated installation instructions. NOTE: no returns are accepted on this item. Each transformer is tested prior to shipping for correct output, but we cannot guarantee that a new transformer will solve whatever problem you are experiencing with your record player!
Part Number: TOT112
Price: $39.96 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$39.96 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $53.91 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$39.96 each + $39.95 Shipping
= $79.91 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$39.96 each + $17.95 Shipping
= $57.91 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$39.96 each + $49.95 Shipping
= $89.91 total

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Item: Power Supply
Description: Original Fisher Price AC-to-DC POWER SUPPLY, correct voltage and plug to fit the #3355 Triple Arcade game table. This is a brand new, original Fisher Price transformer that will bring your arcade back to life. NOTE: no returns are accepted on this item. Each transformer is tested prior to shipping for correct output, but we cannot guarantee that a new transformer will solve whatever problem you are experiencing with your arcade!
Part Number: FPT44337
WFL: 07-AI-02-F-M
Price: $69.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$69.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $83.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$69.95 each + $39.95 Shipping
= $109.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$69.95 each + $17.95 Shipping
= $87.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$69.95 each + $49.95 Shipping
= $119.90 total

Larger Photo
Item: Power Supply
Description: Aftermarket AC-to-DC POWER SUPPLY, correct voltage and plug to fit the #3355 Triple Arcade game table. This brand new, high-quality aftermarket transformer will bring your arcade back to life. NOTE: no returns are accepted on this item. Each transformer is tested prior to shipping for correct output, but we cannot guarantee that a new transformer will solve whatever problem you are experiencing with your arcade!
Part Number: TOT111
Price: $49.95 each
PLUS SHIPPING (see below for prices and shipping options)
plus $1.00 per additional item, if added
See Ordering, Payment & Shipping Details

Buy Online Now! Secure checkout with Paypal:

1st Class Mail US only
$49.95 each + $13.95 Shipping
= $63.90 total
1st Class Mail (18-28 days)
$49.95 each + $39.95 Shipping
= $79.90 total
All Other Countries:
Inquire before ordering as rates vary by your location
Priority Mail US only
$49.95 each + $17.95 Shipping
= $67.90 total
Priority Mail (8-16 days)
$49.95 each + $49.95 Shipping
= $99.90 total

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