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Description: Children who love to pretend shopping will love this little helper shopping set. It has everything that little shoppers need, from a shopping basket, to a pretend calculator, play money, and a wallet! Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- Shopping Basket, Calculator & Coin Changer:
- FPT14385 - Yellow shopping basket with two hinged orange handles and an extra pocket on the side for accssory money, wallet and/or coupons.
- FPT14386 - Blue pretend calculator with yellow buttons, and other yellow buttons to mark wanted items on the rotating shopping list beside it. The list has a red turn knob that shows 4 pictures at a time through a clear plastic cover - pictures are items such as a piece of steak, carrots, eggs and a loaf of bread.
- FPT14390 - Blue coin changer that has 3 clear plastic tubes that hold coins. Has a red button next to each tube that releases coins from tube. Has a wide latch on the top/back to attach to side of shopping basket.
- Keys & Wallet:
- FPT14387 - Red apple-shaped key ring. The apple is flat and hollow on the inside. Has two plastic keys: one is a blue and the other is white with "F" and "P" within circle imprint on the top part of each key.
- FPT14391 - Orange wallet with yellow edges that has "FP" in circles on the flip-over Velcro closure.
- 9 coins:
- 3 each - FPT7377 - Round green plastic coin marked "25" on one side (with 3 stars) and "25" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side.
- 3 each - FPT7378 - Round white plastic coin marked "10" on one side (with 3 stars) and "10" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side.
- 3 each - FPT7082 - Round orange plastic coin marked "5" on one side (with 3 stars) and "5" and "f" and "p" within circle on the other side.
- Play paper money:
- 10 each - FPT14392 - Blue $1.00 bills. Blue paper one dollar bill with a cartoon-type picture of a man wearing a tie on both sides.
- 5 each - FPT14393 - Yellow $5 bills. Yellow paper five dollar bill with a cartoon-type picture of a woman/girl on both sides.
- 5 each - FPT14394 - Orange $10 bills. Orange paper ten dollar bill with a cartoon-type picture of a man/boy on both sides.
- Paper coupons:
- FPT14395 - Red rectangular paper coupon with a picture of a milk carton, "25¢ Off" in yellow, and "MILK" in white.
- FPT14396 - White rectangular paper coupon with a picture of red tomatoes and "KETCHUP" in red.
- FPT14397 - White rectangular paper coupon with a picture of yellow bananas and "Bananas" in white".
- FPT14398 - Yellow rectangular paper coupon with a picture of an orange egg carton full of white eggs, and "1 Dozen EGGS" in red.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FP917BOX1984 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 13-1/2" long, 11" high, and 4-5/8" deep box.
- FP917SET1984 - Complete set in original box. WFL: 07-AG-22-1-B
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |