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#8873 / #78873 Scrambled Eggs
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 3:
Games & Puzzles

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Description: This game requires no reading, but gives all players a crack at playing. The games includes a blue plastic frying pan, lots of white half-egg shells that "crack" open to reveal a picture inside, and lots of egg-shaped cards that match the pictures in the eggs. Players try to match their cards to the pictures they remember seeing behind the eggs. Designed for children ages 3 to 7 years old.
  • FPT11512 - Blue plastic frying pan with a handle that has a goofy face on it. The top rim of the pan is yellow. WFL: 07-AF-22-1-A
  • FPT11513 - Orange plastic spatula with a handle marked "Fisher-Price", and a hole in the end of the handle.
  • Egg-shaped cards with colored edges and pictures of chickens with colored shapes beside them:
    • FPT11514 - Red edge card with a chicken sitting on a red square. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-B
    • FPT11515 - Red edge card with a chicken sitting on a red triangle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-A
    • FPT11516 - Red edge card with a chicken sitting on a red circle.
    • FPT11517 - Yellow edge card with a chicken sitting on a yellow square.
    • FPT11518 - Yellow edge card with a chicken sitting on a yellow triangle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-E
    • FPT11519 - Yellow edge card with a chicken sitting on a yellow circle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-F
    • FPT11520 - Purple edge card with a chicken sitting on a purple square. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-C
    • FPT11521 - Purple edge card with a chicken sitting on a purple triangle. WFL: 07-A2-02-8-E
    • FPT11522 - Purple edge card with a chicken sitting on a purple circle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-D
    • FPT11523 - Blue edge card with a chicken sitting on a blue square. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-G
    • FPT11524 - Blue edge card with a chicken sitting on a blue triangle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-H
    • FPT11525 - Blue edge card with a chicken sitting on a blue circle. WFL: 07-A3-01-2-I
  • White plastic eggs that "crack" in half to reveal a picture under the egg:
    • FPT11526 - Red edge with a baby chicken sitting on a red square. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-R
    • FPT11527 - Red edge with a baby chicken sitting on a red triangle.
    • FPT11528 - Red edge with a baby chicken sitting on a red circle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-S
    • FPT11529 - Yellow edge with a baby chicken sitting on a yellow square. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-N
    • FPT11530 - Yellow edge with a baby chicken sitting on a yellow triangle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-M
    • FPT11531 - Yellow edge with a baby chicken sitting on a yellow circle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-L
    • FPT11532 - Purple edge with a baby chicken sitting on a purple square. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-O
    • FPT11533 - Purple edge with a baby chicken sitting on a purple triangle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-P
    • FPT11534 - Purple edge with a baby chicken sitting on a purple circle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-Q
    • FPT11535 - Blue edge with a baby chicken sitting on a blue square. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-T
    • FPT11536 - Blue edge with a baby chicken sitting on a blue triangle.
    • FPT11537 - Blue edge with a baby chicken sitting on a blue circle. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-K
    • FPT22303 - egg with orange spatula on a green background. WFL: 07-AI-02-7-J
  • FPT22699 - Instructions booklet.
  • FPT22699R - REPRODUCTION instructions booklet. WFL: 07-A2-03-0-N
  • The model number for this game was changed to #78873 in 1996.
Other Information:
  • 1995:
    • FP8873BOX1995 - (Box ONLY) - Sold in 10-7/8" long, 9-1/16" high, 3-1/8" deep closed box marked #8873. WFL: 07-AF-03-6-B
    • FP8873SET1995 - (COMPLETE SET) - Complete set in the original box marked #8873. WFL: 07-AE-24-6-A
  • 1996:
    • FP78873BOX1996 - (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 10-7/8" long, 9-1/16" high, 3-1/8" deep closed box marked #78873.
    • FP78873SET1996 - (COMPLETE SET) - Complete set in the original box marked #78873.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!

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