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Description: This is a Toy Town Commorative toy replica of the Fisher-Price 1941 #711 Raggedy Ann and Andy pull toy.
- FPT3871 - Green rectangular wooden platform that rolls on 4 red wooden wheels and has a Raggedy Ann and Andy cut-out figures the top with a round drum between them. Both figures have paper lithographs on both sides that have realistic pictures of Raggedy Ann and Andy. Both figures have wooden cut-out arms that hold a mallot with a red wooden bead on the end. When the toy is pulled, Raggedy Ann and Andy move their arms up and down to beat the drum between them. The drum has a round metal top with a yellow paper lithograph on the sides with a red ring around the top and bottom edge and the words "Ann and Andy Parade" in red on the sides. #6880 appears on the toy, but #76880 appears on the box. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT8600 - Blue rectangular wooden platform that rolls on 4 red wooden wheels and has a Raggedy Ann and Andy cut-out figures the top with a round drum between them. Both figures have paper lithographs on both sides that have realistic pictures of Raggedy Ann and Andy. Both figures have wooden cut-out arms that hold a mallot with a red wooden bead on the end. When the toy is pulled, Raggedy Ann and Andy move their arms up and down to beat the drum between them. The drum has a round metal top with a yellow paper lithograph on the sides with a red ring around the top and bottom edge and the words "Ann and Andy Parade" in red on the sides. #6880 appears on the toy, but #76880 appears on the box.
- This toy was sold in 2 different versions, and in 3 different boxes:
- The base of the toy is green (FPT3871). It was sold in a cardboard box with red printing. This was made for the general public.
- The base of the toy is green (FPT3871). It was sold in a cardboard box with blue printing. This was made for the Members of the Toy Town Museum.
- The base of the toy is blue (FPT8600). It was sold in a cardboard box with green printing. This was a Special Edition Pre-Production model with it's own numbers - only 200 of these were made.
Other Information: None.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |