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Description: It's an italian feast with spaghetti and meatballs! Children place the spaghetti mound upside down in the bowl, add sauce and meatballs, then top with the lid. Flip the bowl over and the spaghetti is ready to serve! Designed for children ages 2 years and older.
- FPT15662 - Off-white serving (mound) of "cooked" spaghetti that has red tomatoe paste and brown meatballs on one side, and nothing on the other side. The serving has a round rim around the edges that fits perfectly in the FPT15668 spaghetti bowl and lid.
- FPT15663 - Red molded plastic tomatoe sauce that is shaped as though it was poured over speghetti. The mold is not perfectly flat, it is curved to fit over the FPT15662 spaghetti serving. The edges of the sauce are rounded.
- FPT15664 - 3 round dark brown meatballs molded together on the sides.
- FPT15665 - Bundle of straight (uncooked) spaghetti noodles molded together in a rectangular shape.
- FPT15667 - Tall YELLOW rectangular pasta box with a flip-up lid on the top, and a litho on the front. The litho has a picture of a plate of spaghetti with a red fork full of spaghetti over the spaghetti plate. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT15668 - Round white pot that has a small rounded handle on 2 sides. The pot is perfectly flat and round on the bottom, and the sides are straight up. The pot is about 2 inches deep.
- FPT15669 - Round green pot lid / plate with 2 small rounded handles on the sides. The lid is not perfectly flat, it is rounded.
- FPT15670 - Red fork with off-white speghetti noodles wrapped around the fork spokes.
- FPT44178 - Tall GREEN rectangular pasta box with a flip-up lid on the top, and a litho on the front. The litho has a picture of a plate of spaghetti with a red fork full of spaghetti over the spaghetti plate.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |