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#73323 Magic Brew Coffee Maker
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 7:

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Description: Children love the Magic Brew Coffee Maker, which really "brews" a pretend pot of coffee. Children pour cold water into the top of the coffee maker, place the pot under the filter, and watch the water drip into the coffee pot. The coffee pot is transparent with "coffee" that "sloshes" around inside the sides. When children pour the ice cold water into the "magic" color change coffee cups, coffee "magically" appear in the cups! Designed for children ages 2 years and older.
  • FPT12520 - Coffee maker with a blue oval-shaped base, a curved blue and white neck, and a white oval-shaped top. Top has a hole in the center to pour water into the round aqua-green filter below. The front of the white top has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. The blue base has an oval-shaped indention to allow the FPT15617 coffee pot to slide under the filter. When cold water is poured into the top of the coffee maker, water will drip into the FPT15617 coffee pot below.
  • Coffee Pot, Liner & Lid:
    • FPT15617 - Clear plastic coffee pot with a clear plastic handle on one side and a clear pour spout on the other side. Bottom is marked, "Fisher-Price, Inc., CHINA".
    • FPT12521 - Rounded (bowl-shaped) coffee pot coffee (liner) that fits inside the FPT15617 coffee pot, making it appear to have brown coffee inside. Has a hole in the bottom and resembles the mold used for the FPT7120 Chocolate Whipped Frosting, except the coffee liner has smooth sides vs. molded to resemble frosting.
    • FPT44258 - Round purple coffee pot lid with small holes in the center to allow water to drip into the FPT15617 coffee pot from the filter on the FPT12520 coffee maker.
  • Coffee Cups & Saucers:
    • FPT13949 - 2 each - Small round blue saucer with no indentions nor imprints on the top.
    • FPT12523 - 2 each - Small round white "magic" color change cup with a white interior that changes to brown to appear to be coffee when filled with cold water. There is a small handle on the side with a thin piece of plastic connected between the handle and side of the cup.
  • FPT11849 - 2 each - Pink spoon with an imprint of a heart with 4 "leaves" below it on the end of the handle. The end of the handle is rounded. *See Variations Below*
  • FPT22370 - 2 each - Purple spoon with an imprint of a heart with 4 "leaves" below it on the end of the handle. The end of the handle is rounded.
Other Information:
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