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Description: Same as 1995's #2199 All-In-One Kitchen Center, this large kitchen center includes everything....even the kitchen sink! The kitchen center is white with a blue canopy, a sink, a microwave with a timer bell, an oven, a refrigerator, cupboards, telephone, and more! The center was sold with kitchen accessories, such as pans and utencils. Designed for children ages 2 years and older.
- FPT11845 - White kitchen Center (Assembled) - White child-size (appx. 3 feet high) with a pink table on the back. The kitchen has a blue overhead canopy with 3 curved WHITE support arms. The canopy has 2 shelf areas (one on each end) and a white microwave in the center. Microwave has a black opening door, pink/blue digital number pad, and a pink button that opens microwave door. The counter top is grey, has a 2-burner stove (litho burners) with pink clicking control knobs. The other side of the counter top has a sink area w/ faucet. Area above sink has a dish drying rack. Kitchen has an oven door (black window on door) below the stove and a refridgerator below the sink. The refridgerator door has a drink dispenser litho on the front. The countertop is grey with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo on the front.
*** Individual Components that combine to make the FPT11845 assembled kitchen:
- FPT44250 - White 3-sided kitchen base (about 2 foot tall) with a GREY countertop, stove (2 litho burners) and sink area on top. (black window on door) below the stove and a refridgerator below the sink. The refridgerator door has a drink dispenser litho on the front. The countertop is grey with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo on the front.
- 3 each - FPT44251 - Squared (curved sides) WHITE support post used to connect the canopy to the kitchen base. Each post measures about 1 foot long.
- FPT44252 - Blue canopy with 3 square areas on the bottom to attach the support posts. Canopy has a shelf on each end and a white microwave in the center. Microwave has a black opening door, pink/blue digital number pad, and a pink button that opens microwave door.
- FPT11846 - Light Blue plastic sink tub. The sink is about 2 inches deep, rectangular with 2 angled corners on one side.
- FPT44241 - Light Blue cordless hand-held telephone receiver with a push-button dial pad molded in the center of one side along with a molded ear and mouth piece. The telephone is slightly curved to fit in a child hand and against a child's face to pretend to talk on the phone.
- Pots & Pans:
- FPT11850 - Round pink frying pan with a handle that has an oval-shaped handle with a "Fisher-Price" imprint in the center of the handle. There is a hold in the end of the handle.
- Dishes:
- 2 each - FPT7789 - Round white plate with no decorations nor imprint molds. The edges of the plate are slightly raised higher than the center of the plate.
- FPT11847 - Light blue plastic drinking glass with a smooth rim around the top, and ribbed sides.
- Utencils:
- 2 each - FPT11848 - Pink plastic 4-spoke fork with an imprint of a heart shape and 4 "leaves" below it on the end of the handle. The end of the handle is rounded.
- 2 each - FPT11849 - Pink spoon with an imprint of a heart with 4 "leaves" below it on the end of the handle. The end of the handle is rounded.
- 2 each - FPT11256 - Pink plastic knife with ribbed edges, and a tiny heart and "leaves" under the heart molded on the end of the knife handle.
- FPT7349 - Blue knife with a jagged edge and with a large "Fisher-Price" imprint on the handle. The knife handle is squared where the handle meets the knife "blade". This knife is a bit larger than other Fun With Food knives.
- FPT10787 - Blue plastic soup ladle with a long oval-shaped handle that has a "Fisher-Price" imprint in the center, and a hole in the end of the handle.
- FPT10788 - Pink spatula with an oval-shaped handle. The handle has a large raised "Fisher-Price" imprint in the middle, and a hole on the end of the handle. The spatula head has 3 long narrow oblong indentions.
- FPT11851 - Light blue spatula with a thin spatula head, used to "spread" cake frosting. The handle is oval-shaped with a raised "Fisher-Price" imprint in the middle and an oval-shaped hole on the end of the handle.
- FPT11852 - Light blue strainer spoon with lots of round strainer holes in the spoon to drain liquid. The handle is oval-shaped with a raised "Fisher-Price" indention, and a hold in the end of the handle.
- Salt & Pepper:
- FPT11276 - Pink short squared salt shaker with "S" imprinted on the top. This salt shaker is shaped a bit like a barrel with a wider middle than top and bottom. The shaker has 4 sides and the top is round with pretend salt holes.
- FPT11277 - Blue short square pepper shakers with "P" imprinted on the top. This pepper shaker is shaped like a barrel with a wider middle than top and bottom.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FP72108SET1996 - Complete set was sold in a 23-3/4" long, 22-5/8" high, 23-5/8" deep shipper/individual box.
- This set replaced 1995's #2199 All-In-One Kitchen Center.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |