Yellow Tub

Green Tub

Turquoise Tub

1st Edition
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1st Edition
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1st Edition
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2nd Edition
Front Design

2nd Edition

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Description: 1970 introduced 3 new Little People sets that were designed to be used alone, or as added accessories for the #952 Play Family House. These sets were the #726 Patio Set, #728 Decorator Set and the #729 Kitchen Set. With a new patio, bedroom, living room and kitchen, all the house needs is a new bath and utility room. With this is mind, Fisher-Price introduced the #725 Play Family House Bath/Utility Room set in 1972. This is one of the two first Little People sets that was sold with a toilet, scales, sink and a tub. The other set was 1972's #909 Play Family Play Rooms, which was sold exclusively at Sears. The most special and hard to find pieces sold in this set are the sewing maching, and the washer and dryer, as they are exclusive to this set.
This set uses the same Little People figures during it's production with the exception of the little girl. The girl is blue with blonde braids the first few years, but she had a brown sculpted bob the last few years.
Accessories: Please remember that the following accessories are the accessories that are pictured in the Fisher-Price catalogues. These should be used as guidelines only, as other variations may exist.
1972 Jobber/Dealer Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT75 - Standard yellow rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT68 - Small square yellow sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT72 - Small stand-alone yellow plastic toilet that has a hinged turquoise lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide, 2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- FPT64 - Small turquoise plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT82 - Turquoise table with an attached yellow sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT145 - Small turquoise plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a DOT mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs.
- FPT56 - Lime green washing machine, indented lid on top, " _._ " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- FPT53 - Lime green clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a wood body and a wood head:
- BQWW - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNWW - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FGWW - Blue girl with blonde braids.
- CUWW - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
1973 Jobber/Dealer Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT76 - Standard lime green rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT69 - Small square lime green sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT73 - Small stand-alone lime green plastic toilet that has a hinged yellow lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide, 2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- FPT4877 - Small yellow plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT80 - Yellow table with an attached lime green sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT149 - Small yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a TRIANGLE mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT57 - Turquoise washing machine with black heat-stamped pretend control knobs on the top.
- FPT54 - Turquoise clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a wood body and a wood head or a wood body and a plastic head:
- BQWW or BQWP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNWW or FNWP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FGWW or FGWP - Blue girl with blonde braids.
- CUWW or CUWP - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
1974 Retail Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT75 - Standard yellow rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT68 - Small square yellow sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT72 - Small stand-alone yellow plastic toilet that has a hinged turquoise lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide, 2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- FPT64 - Small turquoise plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT82 - Turquoise table with an attached yellow sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT145 - Small turquoise plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a DOT mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs.
- FPT56 - Lime green washing machine, indented lid on top, " _._ " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- FPT53 - Lime green clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a wood body and a plastic head:
- BQWP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNWP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FGWP - Blue girl with blonde braids.
- CUWP - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
1975 Retail Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT78 - Standard turquoise rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT70 - Small square turquoise sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT286 - Small stand-alone turquoise plastic toilet that has a hinged lime green lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide,2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- Small ? plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT81 - Lime Green table with an attached turquoise sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT142 - Small lime green plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a DOT mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs.
- FPT58 - Yellow washing machine, indented lid on top, " _._ " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- FPT55 - Yellow clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a All figures have a wood body and a plastic head or a plastic body and a plastic head:
- BQWP or BQPP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNWP or FNPP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FGWP or FGPP - Blue girl with blonde braids.
- CUWP or CUPP - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
1976-1977 Dealer Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT76 - Standard lime green rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT69 - Small square lime green sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT73 - Small stand-alone lime green plastic toilet that has a hinged yellow lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide, 2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- FPT4877 - Small yellow plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT80 - Yellow table with an attached lime green sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT149 - Small yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a TRIANGLE mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT56 - Lime green washing machine, indented lid on top, " _._ " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- FPT53 - Lime green clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a wood body and a plastic head or a plastic body and a plastic head:
- BQWP or BQPP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNWP or FNPP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FGWP or FGPP - Blue girl with blonde braids.
- CUWP or CUPP - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
1978 Dealer Catalogue:
- Bathroom:
- FPT78 - Standard turquoise rectangular single person bath tub with a simulated faucet on the top rim.
- FPT70 - Small square turquoise sink cabinet with a single oval-shaped sink bowl on top. The sink has a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge. Size: 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT286 - Small stand-alone turquoise plastic toilet that has a hinged lime green lid. Size: 1-1/4" wide,2" deep, 1-5/16" tall.
- FPT66 - Small lime green plastic scales with a paper lithograph on the top of blue anti-skid guard marks and a red and white weight-in-pounds dial. The part of the scales with the weight dial is slanted upward. The scale has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip. *See "Variations" below.
- Utility Room:
- FPT82 - Turquoise table with an attached yellow sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT142 - Small lime green plastic single-seat captain chair that has a seat back that extends 3/4 of the way around the seat with a DOT mark on back. Click here to see the difference between triangle back verses dot back chairs. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT58 - Yellow washing machine, indented lid on top, " _._ " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- FPT55 - Yellow clothes dryer, indented front door, with " . . . . l . " dials and control panel outlined in black.
- 4 Little People figures. All figures have a plastic body and a plastic head:
- BQPP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNPP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- FFPP - Blue girl with a brown sculpted bob.
- CUPP - Orange boy with red heat-stamped hair.
- The bathtub used in this set was available in 3 different colors:
- The sink used in this set was available in 3 different colors:
- The toilet used in this set was available in 3 different color combinations:
- FPT73 - Lime green with a yellow lid.
- FPT286 - Turquoise with a lime green lid.
- FPT72 - Yellow with a turquoise lid.
- The scale used in this set was available in 3 different colors and 2 different shapes:
- FPT66 - Lime green scales that has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip.
- FPT8536 - Lime green scales that has a STRAIGHT SIDE with NO bottom lip.
- FPT64 - Turquoise scales that has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip.
- FPT19404 - Truquoise scales that has a STRAIGHT SIDE with NO bottom lip.
- FPT4877 - Yellow scales that has a STEPPED SIDE WITH a bottom lip.
- FPT65 - Yellow scales that has a STRAIGHT SIDE with NO bottom lip.
- The washing machine used in this set was available in 3 different colors:
- The clothes dryer used in this set was available in 3 different colors:
- The sewing machine used in this set was available in 3 different colors:
- FPT81 - Lime Green table with an attached turquoise sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT82 - Turquoise table with an attached yellow sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- FPT80 - Yellow table with an attached lime green sewing machine on top. Table has a litho of a red dress being made.
- The following captain chairs could had been used in this set:
- FPT141 - Small lime green plastic single-seat captain chair that has a TRIANGLE mark on back.
- FPT142 - Small lime green plastic single-seat captain chair that has a DOT mark on back.
- FPT146 - Small Turquoise plastic single-seat captain chair that has a TRIANGLE mark on back.
- FPT145 - Small Turquoise plastic single-seat captain chair that has a DOT mark on back.
- FPT140 - Small gold/butterscotch yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a TRIANGLE mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
- FPT139 - Small gold/butterscotch yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a DOT mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
- FPT20094 - Small mustard yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a TRIANGLE mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
- FPT20095 - Small mustard yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a DOT mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
- FPT150 - Small yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a TRIANGLE mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
- FPT149 - Small yellow plastic single-seat captain chair that has a DOT mark on back. Click here for a photo that shows the difference between yellow, Mustard yellow, and gold/butterscotch yellow.
Other Information:
- Complete Sets:
*This set was always sold on a 11" x 13" blister pack display card. 1st Edition design was slightly different than 2nd Edition:
- FP725SET1972A - (1st Edition: 1972-197?) - Top right corner is marked "Play Family House" in orange "Bath" in yellow, "&" ('and' sign) in green, and "Utility Room Set" in yellow, "Ages 2-8" in white. Back of blister pack is marked "Copyright 1971" and "Division of The Quaker Oats Company".
- FP725SET1972B - (2nd Edition: 197?-1978) - Top right corner is marked "Play Family Bath & Utility Room Set" in yellow, "Ages 2-8" in white. Back of blister pack is blank.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |