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#554 Owl And Babies
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 3:
Games & Puzzles

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Description: This is a 6 piece puzzle that has a hardboard tray that the pieces fit into. The tray has a white surface with "Fisher-Price Owl and Babies" in black across the top, and has inlaid sections for the puzzle pieces. The completed puzzle makes a picture of a yellow owl on a tree branch with one baby beside her on the branch and another baby flying beside her, both of the baby owls are yellow.
  • FPT2686 - White rectangular pressed wood puzzle board with recessed areas to place puzzle pieces. The puzzle board is marked "Fisher-Price®" in the top left corner and marked "OWL AND BABIES, 554" in the top center.
  • 6 puzzle pieces:
    • FPT2687 - Yellow baby owl leaning down on a brand with it's tail feathers up in the air.
    • FPT2688 - Yellow baby owl with outstretched wings and orange feet in "landing" position.
    • FPT2689 - Yellow mama owl's head with brown eyebrows and an orange beak.
    • FPT2690 - Yellow left side of mama owl's body with a brown and black side wing on the left side.
    • FPT2691 - Yellow right side of mama owl's body with a brown and black side wing on the right side.
    • FPT2692 - Orange mama owl's feet wrapped around a brown tree branch.
Variations: None.
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