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Description: This Berenstain Bear Puzzle comes in a white plastic tray, and the masonite pieces are coated with a tough finish that cleans easily with a damp cloth. The puzzles makes a picture of the Berenstain Bear family fishing in a small boat. Designed for children ages 3 to 6 years old.
- FPT2575 - Rectangular white plastic puzzle board with recessed areas to place puzzle pieces. WFL: 07-AL-01-1-G.
- 7 puzzle pieces:
- FPT2576 - Mama Berenstain Bear wearing a round yellow hat with a blue flower on the side. Mama has her head turned to the side to look at something behind her. WFL: 07-AJ-02-A-U.
- FPT2577 - Papa Berenstain Bear sitting with his head up, eyes closed, and holding a fishing rod. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-F.
- FPT2578 - Back of yellow boat with a large fish tail sticking up from the water behind the boat. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-G.
- FPT2579 - Berenstain Bear son and daughter. The son is pointing down at the water while he looks up at his dad. The daughter is looking over the edge of the boat. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-H.
- FPT2580 - Front of yellow fishing boat and Papa Bear's blue legs. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-I.
- FPT2581 - Front half of large fish body looking at a worm on Papa Bear's fishing line. The fish has 2 small crossed eyes and a wide mouth grin on his face. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-J.
- FPT2582 - Two green lillie pads with a green frog on one of the pads pointing towards the left. WFL: 07-A2-02-2-K.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!