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*Right side chewed

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Description: This is a 10-piece Pick-Up & Peek Puzzle. The 10 hardwood pieces fit into a hardwood tray. All of the pieces have a small yellow plastic knob on them that allows child to lift the piece from it's place on the tray. Another picture is hidden under the puzzle piece, and is revealed when child picks the piece up.
- FPT2214 - Rectangular pressed wood puzzle board with recessed areas to place puzzle pieces. The puzzle board has a picture of stores. The puzzle board is marked "Community" in the top center. WFL: 07-AH-03-3-B.
- 10 puzzle pieces that resemble buildings in East Aurora New York, where Fisher-Price originated. These pieces can stand on end and double as play buildings;
- FPT2215 - House. Blue house with yellow trim and a yellow roof that resembles the #952 Play Family House. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-H.
- FPT2216 - Food Store. Long red rectangular food store with 2 large white windows marked "Food Store" and "Corn 5/34¢". The store has 2 orange doors on the side and a brown shingle-simulated roof. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-F.
- FPT2217 - Toy Factory. Red rectangular replica of the first Fisher-Price toy plant. The plant has 2 large divided windows, 2 yellow doors, black smoke stacks, and a white sign marked "Fisher-Price Toys" in black. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-E.
- FPT2218 - Apartment Building. Tall blue rectangular three story apartment building with 2 brown doors on the bottom center, black fence across the bottom edge, and white molding across the top. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-B.
- FPT2219 - Yellow Truck. Side view of a yellow truck with blue windows and windshielf, black tired, and marked "Truck" on the side in red. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-G.
- FPT2220 - Church. White church with 2 red, blue, and yellow stained glass windows on the sides, brown arched doors in the center with white steps leading up to the doors, a round red, yellow, and blue stained glass window above the door, and a steeple on top of the roof. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-C.
- FPT2221 - Schoolhouse. Red school house that resembles the #923 Play Family School. The school has 2 divided pane windows on the sides, 2 white doors in the center, a round yellow clock on the top center, and a steeple with a yellow bell on top of the roof. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-04-1-G.
- FPT2222 - Pharmacy. Brown drug store with two yellow windows marked with a black pharmacy logo, a red door in the center, a wide blue and white striped awning above the door and windows, and a pitch roof with white trim on the edge. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-D.
- FPT2223 - Restraunt. Orange rectangular restaurant with 2 yellow windows on the sides, 2 yellow doors in the center with red awning above the door, and a white sign marked "Restraunt" in blue. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-02-4-A.
- FPT2224 - Clothing Store. Small square red clothing store that has a blue rectangular display window, a blue door, 2 small white windows, and a yellow sign marked "clothing" red above the door and front window. Has a small round yellow plastic upright peg in the center of the puzzle piece. WFL: 07-AA-04-1-F.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |