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#460a Walt Disney's The Black Hole
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 1:
Audio, Visual, Musical, Educational & Electronics

*missing litho

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Description: This is a movie viewer has "The Black Hole" written on the side litho. The movie viewer requires no screen, projector, batteries nor bulbs. Simply slide the accessory cartridge into the viewer, turn the crank and watch the movie in slow motion, fast motion or even backwards. It has an adjustable focus wheel, recessed eye piece and an easy grip handle.
  • FPT2150 - White plastic movie viewer with a red hand crank on the side. The hand-crank has a round paper litho on it with 3 interlocking colors: yellow, blue, and red. The litho is marked "Fisher-Price Toys" and "460". The other side of the viewer has a black rectangular paper litho marked "BLACK HOLE". Measures 6-1/8" long, 2-1/2" wide, 6-3/8" tall.
  • FPT2151 - Yellow rectangular movie viewer cartridge with a red drive wheel and a paper lithograph marked "The Black Hole" with a picture of Disney's Black Hole.
Variations: None.
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