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Description: The Puffy Engine is definately a little engine "that could". The wooden engine has yellow plastic piston arms that move round and round and a realistic "puff-puff" sound when the engine rolls. The engine a bright colors and a happy smile on the front.
- 1951-1951 - FPT8309 - Yellow rectangular wooden cut-out train engine with four red wooden wheels and two yellow plastic piston arms attached to the two front wheels. The engine has paper lithographs on the sides and top of a black boiler and escaped steam around the piston arms, a smiling face, and a red sign on the side of the cab marked "Puffy 444" in white. The engine cab has a RED wooden roof. The front of the engine has a red wooden bead "nose" and the top front of the engine has a large round blue smoke stack. Piston arms move and the engine makes a "puff-puff" sound when the toy is pulled. Measures 6-1/4" long, 4-3/4" high, 2-1/2" wide.
- 1952-1954 - FPT8311 - Yellow rectangular wooden cut-out train engine with four red wooden wheels and two yellow plastic piston arms attached to the two front wheels. The engine has paper lithographs on the sides and top of a black boiler and escaped steam around the piston arms, a smiling face, and a red sign on the side of the cab marked "Puffy 444" in white. The engine cab has a YELLOW wooden roof. The front of the engine has a red wooden bead "nose" and the top front of the engine has a large round blue smoke stack. Piston arms move and the engine makes a "puff-puff" sound when the toy is pulled. Measures 6" long, 4" high, 3-1/4" wide.
Other Information:
- Patent Pending.
- Copyright Fisher-Price Toys, Inc.
- 1954 original retail price was .75¢ in the East and .85¢ in the South and West.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |