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Description: The adventures will never cease with this large unsinkable patrol boat and accessories! Designed for children ages 4 to 9 years old.
- FPT1286 - Large blue top, white bottom boat with orange/white stripes on the sides and a "cabin" area on top. Boat has a BLUE gangplank on the bow and a silver rotating spotlight on top of the cabin. Boat has a flip-up access door for storage. Boat reallt floats in water, and also has a black wheel under the hull that clicks as the boat rolls. *See Variations Below
- FPT8449 - White plastic upright "cross" mast with a radar dish on top. Mast has a peg base and fits on top of the FPT1286 boat.
- FPT1292 - Orange floatable buoy.
- FPT1291 - Yellow floatable buoy.
- FPT1168 - 2 each - Orange plastic double oxygen scuba tanks with an attached face mask. The 1 mold unit fits over the accessory Adventure Series figures' head. Fill tanks with water and the figure can "dive", when the tanks are full of air, the figure floats.
- FPT1213 - Yellow plastic double oxygen scuba tanks with an attached face mask. The 1 mold unit fits over the accessory Adventure Series figures' head. Fill tanks with water and the figure can "dive", when the tanks are full of air, the figure floats.
- FPT1293 - Flexible rubber shark figure.
- 2 Adventure Series figures, each with a movable head, arms, and legs:
- FPT1295 - Diver with red sleeveless swim shirt that has a white dolphin on the back, and red shorts. He has brown hair and a brown beard and moustache.
- FPT1294 - Diver with a yellow long-sleeve diving shirt that has a black stripe on each arm, yellow pants and diving shoes. Yellow hood over head, man has a black moustache.
FPT8450 - Large blue top, white bottom boat with orange/white stripes on the sides and a "cabin" area on top. Boat has a WHITE gangplank on the bow and a silver rotating spotlight on top of the cabin. Boat has a flip-up access door for storage. Boat reallt floats in water, and also has a black wheel under the hull that clicks as the boat rolls.
FPT1287 - Blue plastic upright "cross" mast with a radar dish on top. Mast has a peg base and fits on top of the FPT8450 boat.
Other Information:
- This set was sold in a 14-1/2" long, 12" high, 4-1/2" deep display box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!