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#2714 Pick-Up & Peek Wood Puzzle "Bear & Cubs"
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 3:
Games & Puzzles

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Puzzle Tray

Description: This is a 10-piece Pick-Up & Peek Puzzle. The 10 hardwood pieces fit into a hardwood tray. Most of the pieces have a small yellow plastic knob on them that allows child to lift the piece from it's place on the tray. Another picture is hidden under the puzzle piece, and is revealed when child picks the piece up. Designed for children ages 1 to 5 years old.
  • FPT3544 - Hardboard puzzle tray marked "Fisher-Price 2714 BEAR and CUBS". The board has a large inlay to place the accessory puzzle pieces. The inlay has a full-color picture of a mother bear reading a book to 3 cubs and a mouse. Children can lift the puzzle pieces to peek at the picture under the pieces. Measures 11-5/8" wide, 8-1/8" high, 3/8" thick. WFL: 07-AD-02-7-A.
  • 10 hardwood puzzle pieces that forms a picture of a mother bear in a rocking chair with three baby bears playing around her feet:
    • FPT3540 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of a little boy bear wearing a green shirt and holding a block marked "B" on the side. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-4-V.
    • FPT3541 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of a bear peeping through a window. The window has green shutters and white curtains. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-3-V.
    • FPT3542 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of a girl bear wearing a pink dress with white polkadots and a white bow on the back. WFL: 07-AI-01-4-N.
    • FPT3543 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of a boy bear body wearing a white shirt and blue and white striped overalls. The boy is bouncing a multi-colored ball. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-4-R.
    • FPT3545 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of of a boy bear's head and an orange wall vase behind him that is holding pink and white flowers. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-5-B.
    • FPT3546 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of mama bear's head and yellow wall background behind her. Mama bear has a white lace collar. WFL: 07-AI-01-3-F.
    • FPT3547 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of mama bear's body. She wears a yellow and white striped dress, a pink apron, and holding a needle point project in her hands. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-3-J.
    • FPT3548 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of mama bear's blue shoes and pink, yellow, and orange striped floor. WFL: 07-AI-01-4-B.
    • FPT3549 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of blue chair rails and a orange and white checkered pillow. WFL: 07-AI-01-3-N.
    • FPT3550 - Hardwood puzzle piece with a picture of 2 blue chair legs, a mouse standing beside one legs, and green, pink, yellow, and orange striped floor. The puzzle piece has a yellow upright peg in the center. WFL: 07-AI-01-3-R.
Variations: None.
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