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#2205 Music Box Record Player
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 1:
Audio, Visual, Musical, Educational & Electronics

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Description: This is a blue and white plastic wind-up music box that plays plastic records just like a real phonograph, but requires no batteries! The player is shaped the same as it's predecessors, 1971-1983's #995, and 1984-1987's #995 Sesame Street version. The record player has a hidden compartment that stores the 5 accessory records. An attached carry handle makes for easy portability. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
  • FPT3436 - Blue plastic record player with a white top, orange turn table, orange needle arm, yellow sliding On/Off switch, a round yellow wind-up knob on the front, and a carry handle on the back for portability. The record player has a hidden compartment on the back that stores 5 accessory records. The front of the player has a colorful paper lithograph marked "Music Box Record Player" (NO SIDE LITHOS). The lithograph is often torn or missing. Measures 9-1/4" long, 8-1/2" deep, 4-1/4" tall.
  • 5 plastic records with a different song on each side. The records were available in 5 different colors: dark blue, green, orange, red, and dark pink (fusha). *See "Variations" below for a list of all possible record variations. The only rule of thumb is that all 5 records should be a different color, for instance, a set would never have a green #1 record and a green #4 record. Each record measures 4-3/4" diameter x 3/16" thick. Record titles and songs below:
    • #1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill
    • #2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune
    • #3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?
    • #4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song
    • #5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss
  • Dark Blue:
    • FPT937 - Dark blue plastic record marked "#1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill".
    • FPT940 - Dark blue plastic record marked "#2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune".
    • FPT20343 - Dark blue plastic record marked "#3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?".
    • FPT20344 - Dark blue plastic record marked "#4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song".
    • FPT946 - Dark blue plastic record marked "#5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss".
  • Green:
    • FPT17134 - Green plastic record marked "#1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill".
    • FPT20350 - Green plastic record marked "#2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune".
    • FPT17135 - Green plastic record marked "#3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?".
    • FPT944 - Green plastic record marked "#4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song".
    • FPT945 - Green plastic record marked "#5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss".
  • Orange:
    • FPT938 - Orange plastic record marked "#1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill".
    • FPT20351 - Orange plastic record marked "#2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune".
    • FPT20352 - Orange plastic record marked "#3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?".
    • FPT943 - Orange plastic record marked "#4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song".
    • FPT20353 - Orange plastic record marked "#5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss".
  • Dark Pink (Fusha):
    • FPT8709 - Dark Pink (Fusha) plastic record marked "#1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill".
    • FPT939 - Dark Pink (Fusha) plastic record marked "#2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune".
    • FPT20366 - Dark Pink (Fusha) plastic record marked "#3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?".
    • FPT20369 - Dark Pink (Fusha) plastic record marked "#4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song".
    • FPT20368 - Dark Pink (Fusha) plastic record marked "#5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss".
  • Red:
    • FPT20362 - Red plastic record marked "#1 - Humpty Dumpty - Jack and Jill".
    • FPT20363 - Red plastic record marked "#2 - Twinkle twinkle little star - Au clair de la lune".
    • FPT941 - Red plastic record marked "#3 - London bridge - Oh where has my little dog gone?".
    • FPT20370 - Red plastic record marked "#4 - Camptown races - Children's marching song".
    • FPT20365 - Red plastic record marked "#5 - Hickory dickory doc - Edelweiss".

: If your record player runs slow (or not at all!), you may want to check out our REPAIR STATION. We can restore most Fisher-Price record player mechanisms to almost new condition!

Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!

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