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Description: This is a realistic child-size lawn mover, just like dads, that blows bubbles! It is red and black with a white push-handle, and a yellow pull-cord pretend starter. The handle has a red pretend speed dial that makes a ratchet sound when child turns it. Mower blows bubbles and makes motor noise as it is pushed. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- 1990-1996:
- FPT10043 - Red-based lawn mover with a yellow pull-cord pretend starter.
- FPT22300 - White mower push handle marked "Fisher-Price" in black and with one round red clicking knob near the top center. WFL: 07-AE-25-6-C
- FPT12388 - 4 oz. Clear plastic bottle of bubble solution with a blue label on the side marked "Fisher-Price Bubble Soap".
- FPT10045 - #2022 / #72022 Bubble Mower instructions. WFL: 07-AJ-01-4-B
- The model number for this set was changed to #72022 in 1996.
- In 1997 this mower was slightly redesigned:
- FPT12990 - Green base, a yellow top mower with a spinning flywheel on the top with "grass-clippings", and realistic lawn-mower sounds. The mower has a dipstick bubble wand, a clicking key, and a red pull-cord "starter".
- FPT22278 - Black mower push handle. WFL: 07-AF-26-5-C
- FPT12991 - Red dip stick bubble wand.
- FP72022SETA1997 - complete set.
- Another 1997 or later variation:
- FPT22277 - Silver base, a red top mower with a spinning flywheel on the top with "grass-clippings", and realistic lawn-mower sounds. The mower has a clicking key, and a red pull-cord "starter".
- FPT22278 - Black mower push handle. WFL: 07-AF-26-5-C
- FPT22279 - Yellow dip stick bubble wand. WFL: 07-AI-02-2-S
- FPT30030 - #72022 Bubble Mower instructions marked 72022 on front cover and ©1999 Mattel, Inc. on back cover. (FPT30030R - reproduction).
- FP72022SETB1997 - complete set. 07-AG-13-5-A
Other Information:
- 1990-1995 - Sold in a 11-3/8" long, 32" high, 6-7/8" deep display box marked #2022.
- 1996+ - Sold in a 11-1/4" long, 21-3/4" high, 6-7/8" deep open display box marked #72022.
- This is the same as 1985-1989's #2006 Bubble Mower, except the #2006 does not have a yellow pull-cord starter on the engine.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |