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Description: The old western Golden Glutch Express travels along it's merry way with eyes on front of the engine that rolls up and down and with happy little "chug-chug" noise as it rolls. The train has been attacked by indians and the engineer and sheriff in the train's cab are quite frantic! A lucky indian has climbed onto the train and sits comfortably on the back edge of the train car. When the train rolls, the indian bounces all about taunting the engineer and sheriff!
- FPT1627 - Golden Glutch Express - Wooden train engine with a permanently attached train car behind it. The front of the engine has a red plastic grill with a cowcatcher and a smiling face with eyes that roll up and down when the train rolls. White "piston rods" attached to the engine's back wheel move in and out of the round black wooden "cylinders" on the side of the engine. The engine makes a "chug-chug" sound as it rolls. The engine has a round boiler with a black paper lithograph with 2 yellow lines wrapped around the sides. The top of the boiler has a tall black wooden smoke stack. The engine cab is a square yellow wooden block with windows on both sides. One has an engineer and armed sheriff handing out the window and the other has an engineer with a rifle and a little boy in the window. The train car has 4 wooden side walls yellow paper lithographs on the sides with a picture of a buffalo and thin cow and the words "Golden Glutch Express". The top back edge of the car has an attached wooden cut-out indian with paper lithographs on the sides. The indian is attached to the top edge via spring that allows him to bounce all around. This toy rolls on 8 wooden wheels, 4 on the engine and 4 on the cart. Measures 14" long.
Variations: None.
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