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Description: This is a vehicle set that was designed to either be used alone or with any of the Fisher-Price Flip Track sets. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- FPT10485 - Small red fire truck with a blue "windshield" and blue "windows". The fire truck has a molded rounded water container behind the cab, molded gadgets on the sides of the truck, and a yellow emblem design under each cab door window. The fire truck has a flat bed on the back with a round indented hold in the center to attach the ladder. The truck rolls on 4 black wheels.
- FPT16794 - Small yellow 6-rung ladder attached to a rounded white pivoting base. The ladder rotates on the base. The base has a round peg on the bottom to fit into the hole on the back of the FPT10485 fire truck.
- FPT10486 - Blue top, grey base police car with a yellow star imprint on the hook that has a "2" in the center. The car has a florescent orange painted siren light on the top, a black windshield, back window, and side windows. The car is marked "Fisher-Price" on the back hood in yellow. There is a small gas hole on the back, and the car rolls on 4 black wheels. Measures 3-1/4" long, 1-5/8" wide, 1-7/8" tall.
- FPT10487 - Green rectangular sign with a paper litho that has a red background with yellow edges and a white fire hose and nozzle. The sign is supported by 2 tall green pegs with a round base that has a plus-shape (+). *See "Variations" below.
- FPT10488 - Round red sign with a round white paper litho with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of a fire hydrant. The base of the sign is rounded with a plus-shape (+). Measures 1-5-16" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 1" deep. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT16795 - Red rectangular sign with a paper litho that has a red background with yellow edges and a white fire hose and nozzle. The sign is supported by 2 tall red pegs with a round base that has a plus-shape (+).
- FPT16796 - Round green sign with a round white paper litho with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of a fire hydrant. The base of the sign is rounded with a plus-shape (+). Measures 1-5-16" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 1" deep.
Other Information:
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