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Description: Fisher-Price helped make Valentines special by introducing this exclusive Puffalumps Valentines bunny, which was sold only during the 1988 Valentines season. The Valentines bunny is holding a pillow shaped like 3 hearts. Bunny is featherlight and made of extra soft parachute type material.
- FPT14846 - White Valentines bunny holding 3 heart-shaped pillows. One pillow is white with pink rose buds and green stems, another pillow is pink textured satin, and the other pillow is dark pink satin. All 3 pillows have white lace trim on the edges. Bunny has white yarn "hair" on top of her head, long white bunny ears with pink inner ears, brown stitched eyes, a pink velvety nose, and a pink stitched mouth. She has a pink and white embroidered Puffalump trademark symbol on the bottom of her left foot, click here for a photo of the symbol.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- Bunny was sold only during the 1988 Valentine season.
- FP8024BOX1988 - (Box Only) Sold is an open (non-enclosed) display box with pink heart designs on the backdrop panel. Top left corner of the backdrop panel is marked, "8024". The back of the box pictures a young lady and gentleman holding Bunny, also pictures the Easter Puffalumps, the Wild Puffalumps, and the Domestic Animal Puffalumps. Bottom of box is marked ©1987.
- FP8024SET1988 - (Complete Set) Complete set in original display box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |