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Description: The Great Adventures pirates are ready to tackle the 7 seas with this wonderfully realistic pirate ship. The ship has a red removable dragon-head boat that fits in the ship's hull (front of the ship) for secret attacks and quick escapes! The ship also has a flip-up gangplank that can send one of three pirate figures soaring, and a black cannon that fires tethered harpoons to "hook" the enemy. The ship has a black base, a tan deck, and a red cabin and upper deck. Designed for children ages 3 years and older.
- New pirate ships required a bit of assembly. No tools are required for assembly the pieces merely snap together. Pieces included are listed below. A fully assemble pirate ship with all accessories listed below (FPT6359-FPT6369 and FPT17131) is FPT19198.
- FPT6359 - Black wood-simulated pirate ship with a light brown wood-simulated deck on top. The deck has 2 red cargo doors in the center the drop to the cargo area below. The deck has a molded hamock, molded rope, a molded skull and cross bones and several other ship-related molded items on the deck floor. The back sides of the ship have molded dragons. The front of the ship has a rectangular opening to fit the FPT6372 boat inside. A black push-button on the deck launches the ship. Marked "77041, ©1998 FISHER-PRICE, INC., CHINA". Measures 13-7/8" long, 6-1/8" wide, and 4-1/8" high.
- FPT6360 - Tall brown t-shaped wood-simulated front mast with a rounded look-out tower on the top. The lookout tower has side walls on 2 sides. The mast has 2 rectangular slots to attach the FPT6362 front sail and holes beside the slots to attach the FPT6364 riggings. Measures 9-5/8" tall, 6-3/4" wide, 3" deep.
- FPT6361 - Tall brown t-shaped wood-simulated rear mast with a grey spoked steering wheel near the base that really spins. The mast has 2 rectangular slots to attach the FPT6363 rear sail and holes beside the slots to attach the FPT17131 riggings. Measures 9-3/4" tall, 7" wide, 1-1/2" deep.
- FPT6362 - White front sail that has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo in the center. The sail is "gathered" with a big scoop in the center and a smaller swoop on each side with molded "rope" between the swoops. Measures 5-1/2" wide, 1-1/2" high, 1" deep.
- FPT6363 - White rear sail that has a molded patch in the center. The sail is "gathered" with a big scoop in the center and a smaller swoop on each side with molded "rope" between the swoops. Measures 6-3/8" wide, 1-1/2" high, 1-1/4" deep.
- 2 each - FPT6364 - Grey plastic "rope" riggings that "support" the FPT6360 front mast. The rigging is triangular with a hook at the top, 2 verticle side ropes, and 5 horizontal ropes between the verticle ropes. Same as the FPT17131 riggings, except slightly longer. Measures 6" long, 2-3/16" wide at bottom.
- 2 each - FPT17131 - Grey plastic "rope" riggings that "support" the FPT6361 rear mast. The rigging is triangular with a hook at the top, 2 verticle side ropes, and 5 horizontal ropes between the verticle ropes. Same as the FPT6364 riggings, except slightly shorter. Measures 5-5/8" long, 2-3/16" wide at bottom.
- FPT6365 - Large red wood-simulated cabin with two windows (one on each side) with a gold frame around each window. Two ends of the cabin have open door ways. The top of the cabin has a hole to attach the FPT6361 rear mast. The top of the cabin also has a red rectangular wood-simulated gang plank that folds out. The top side edges of the cabon have holes to attach the FPT6366 left railing and FPT6367 right railing. Measures 4-1/4" long, 5-1/4" wide, 4" high.
- FPT6366 - White left railing (facing gang plank) that is curved on the end towards the right. The right curved end has a molded light on top of the rail. The other end of the rail has an imprint of a dragon. Measures 4-1/4" long, 2-1/2" high, 1-1/8" deep.
- FPT6367 - White right railing (facing gang plank) that is curved on the end towards the left. The left curved end has a molded light on top of the rail. The other end of the rail has an imprint of a dragon. Measures 4-1/4" long, 2-1/2" high, 1-1/8" deep.
- FPT6368 - Black clip-on flag with a black paper lithograph on both sides of a white skull and cross bones. The flag clips onto the top of the FPT6361 rear mast. Measures 1-3/4" long, 1-1/4" high, 5/8" wide.
- FPT6369 - Brown wood-simulated bowsprit (fits on the front of the ship). The bowsprit has a hole in the center that allows the FPT6371 cannon to clip on. The bowsprit has brown molded ropes on the sides. Measures 4-5/8" long, 3" wide, 1-1/2" high.
- FPT6371 - Black cannon with a round black knob on the bottom. The knob attaches to either the FPT6369 bowsprit on the pirate ship, or to the FPT6372 boat. The cannon fires a grey tethering harpoon. The harpoon is attached to a 28" long black rope, which is attached to the cannon. The cannon has a black push-button on the back to launch the harpoon. Cannon measures 2-3/8" long, 1-1/2" wide, 2-1/2" high.
- FPT6372 - Red wood-simulated boat with a red dragon's head on the front and gold dragon wings on the front sides. The boat fits under the nose of the FPT6359 pirate ship. The back of the boat has a large round peg that the FPT6371 can be attached to. Boat measures 9-1/4" long, 4-1/2" wide, 3-3/8" high.
- 3 Great Adventures pirate figures with movable arms:
- FPT6373 - Captain pirate wearing a green captain's hat with a gold skull and cross bones in the center. He has orange hair, an orange beard and moustache, and a really big nose! He is wearing a grey jacket with a purple belt, green pants, and one black shoe, his other "foot" is a wooden peg. He has a gold hand gun in one hand, and a gold sword in the other hand. Marked "©1994 F-P, INC., CHINA" on the bottom of his foot. Measures 2-3/8" tall (with arms down).
- FPT6374 - African-American pirate with a black eye patch over one eye and a silver knife in his mouth. He wears an orange rag tied around his head, a green vest over a white long-sleeve shirt, yellow pants, and light brown shoes. He holds a long silver sword in one hand. Marked "©1994 F-P, INC., CHINA" on the bottom of his foot. Measures 2-1/8" tall (with arms down).
- FPT6375 - Pirate with blonde hair, a blonde moustache, and a big nose. He wears a purple rag tied around his head, a green long-sleeve jacket, orange pants, and black shoes. One of his hands is a gold hook, but he can still fight with the silver sword in his good hand. Marked "©1994 F-P, INC., CHINA" on the bottom of his foot. Measures 2-1/4" tall (with arms down).
- FPT6370 - White paper instruction sheet with black and white pictures and print. Cover marked "Great Adventures Pirate Ship Model Number: 77041. Measures 8" wide, 9" long.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FP77041BOX1998 (Box ONLY) - Sold in a 14" wide, 14-3/42" high, 4-1/4" deep closed color box.
- FPT6377 - The set came with a cardboard inner liner that seperates the smaller pieces from the boat base.
- FPT6378 - A small cardboard inner liner protects the nose of the boat.
- FP77041SET1998 - Complete set in original box. WFL: 07-AE-18-5-B
- This Pirate Ship replaced 1995-1997's #7043 / #77043 Great Adventures Pirate Ship.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |