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Description: This is a baby monitor set that allows children to monitor their baby dolls! The set includes a hand-held receiver, just like a real baby monitor receiver, that makes 6 realistic baby sounds and plays a lullaby. The reciever fits onto the side of the accessory lamp. The lamp has a "magic" lamp shade that allows children to make the lamp appear to be on or off. The set comes with a pretend baby bottle plus 2 AA-size batteries for the monitor. Designed for children ages 2 years and older.
This set was designed as a baby doll playset, but it was not sold with a baby doll. The baby doll used in the Fisher-Price dealer catalogue are not baby dolls that were sold by Fisher-Price at that time, or atleast they were not listed in the dealer catalogues.
- FPT13241 - White hand-held baby monitor receiver with a round pink speaker area on the front, and a purple button on the side that activates 6 realistic baby sounds and a lullaby.
- FPT13242 - Lamp with a pink base, an area on the side to store the baby monitor receiver described above, and a purple "magical" lamp shade. The shade has 3 hearts on the sides that change with the turn of a knob to appear to look On or Off. WFL: 07-AF-20-3-A
- FPT13243 - White plastic baby doll bottle with imprints of a duck, rabbit, teddy bear on the side.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FPT13244 - Sold in a 10" long, 10" high, 3-1/2" deep "Try-Me" box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |