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Description: The Roll-a-Round Action Town has a round blue base with lots of busy places for the 4 vehicle-shaped Roll-a-Round figures to "roll" on. Designed for children ages 6 to 36 months old.
- FPT13478 - Round blue plastic base with a blue ramp on the side, and a grey and white speckled "upper level" with a red square roof and green door at the top of the blue ramp. The upper level has a double yellow tunnel with an orange platform that spins in a circle around and through the tunnels. When it spins, a round yellow "train track" spins in the opposite direction through and between 2 tunnels on the lower level. The front of the base has green "waves" that move back and forth.
- 4 vehicle shaped Roll-a-Round figures:
- FPT13479 - Boat - Green ball with a black printed face. The ball has a white top, orange base boat-shaped plastic covering with a hole on the bottom to allow the ball to roll, and a face hole on the side to allow the printed face on the ball to show.
- FPT13480 - Train - White ball with a black printed face. The ball has a red train engine-shaped plastic covering with a hole on the bottom to allow the ball to roll, and a face hole on the side to allow the printed face on the ball to show.
- FPT13481 - Car - White ball with a black printed face. The ball has a yellow top, green base car-shaped plastic covering with a hole on the bottom to allow the ball to roll, and a face hole on the "windshield" to allow the printed face on the ball to show.
- FPT13482 - Plane - Yellow ball with a black printed face. The ball has a blue top, white base boat-shaped plastic covering with a hole on the bottom to allow the ball to roll, and a face hole on the side to allow the printed face on the ball to show.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FPT13483 - Sold in a 17-3/4" long, 14" high, 11-3/4" deep closed box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |