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Description: The Deluxe Magna Doodle has a large doodle surface that children can draw on with a multitude of options. Children can draw with the attached pen, make designed with the accessory stampers, draw pictures with a picture stencil, use "Spiral Art" to create patterns or designs, or use one of the four wacky face-maker stencils. The doodle surface wipes clear when children pull the knob at the bottom from one side to the other side. All of the accessories snap-in the Magna Doodle for storage. Designed for children ages 3 years and older.
- FPT13136 - Blue Magna Doodle with a built-in handle, a large doodle surface to draw on, an orange knob at the bottom the clear the surface, and an attached orange pen to draw with. The doodler has two white sides with indentions to hold the accessory stamps.
- 6 accessory stamps that fit in specific slots on the sides of the Magna Doodler:
- FPT13137 - Yellow flower
- FPT13138 - Green dog
- FPT13139 - Pink circle
- FPT13140 - Pink human shape
- FPT13141 - Yellow car shape
- FPT13142 - Green star shape
- FPT13144 - Red spiral board that snaps in over the doodler surface. The board has a circle in the center that has jagged edges, and snap-in sections for accessory stamps.
- Accessory stamps that fit in specific slots on the sides of the sprial board:
- FPT13145 - Yellow cat-shape
- FPT13146 - Green dinosaur shape
- 4 wacky face-marker stencils, description unknown.
- FPT13147 - Plastic picture stencil that makes a picture of a house with a tree beside it, hills, and a sun in the sky.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- View the Adobe PDF Format Instruction Sheet.
- Sold in a 21-1/4" long, 13-1/8" high, 2-1/4" deep closed color box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |