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Pony with Saddle, Bridle, and Cart

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Pony with Blanket

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Description: All of the Smooshee Ponies like to gather at the Country Cuddlers horse stable....the stable for Blue Ribbon ponies only. The Country Cuddlers set was sold with a horse stable, a prize winning pony, Peggy Pony, a pony cart, bridle, saddle, and more! Designed for children ages 4 years and older.
- FPT16183 - Pony Stable - Small white horse stable with an aqua-green shingle-simulated roof and a yellow base. The front of the stable has a small fenced-in yard area. The fence around the yard is white with an arched doorway in the front. The doorway has a small removable gate door. The roof on the front of the house has a removable arched window that folds down. Both sides of the stable have an arched doorway with 2 removable gate doors, and a small hole above the doors to attach an accessory "blue ribbon". The roof section on the back folds up to reveal the 2nd level of the stable. The stable has two pony stalls inside with a permenantly attached white fence divider bar between them. Marked "7225, ©1987 Fisher-Price, Division of the Quaker Oats Co., China" on the bottom of the base. Measures 5-1/8" tall, 5" wide, 6-1/8" deep. Removable Pony Stable Accessories:
- 1 each - FPT16184 - Short rectangular pink gate door with a large aqua-green knob on the left side and a hollow peg on the right side to attach the door to the front yard gate door opening. The gate door has 6 vertical wood-simulated "boards" that are rounded across the top. Measures 1-3/8" wide, 15/16" tall, 1/2" thick (including door knob).
- 1 each - FPT19635 - White half-circle shaped window that has a large pink knob in the center of the top. The window has 5 sunburst spokes in the center. The window fits in the second story opening on the FPT16183 pony stable. Measures 2-1/4" wide, 1-1/4" high, 1/2" thick (including knob).
- 2 each - FPT16185 - Short rectangular pink gate door with a large aqua-green knob on the left side, and a short connector peg on the bottom right side to attach to the right side of the door opening on the FPT16183 pony stable. Measures 1-1/16" wide, 7/8" tall, 1/2" thick (including knob).
- 2 each - FPT16186 - Short rectangular pink gate door with a large aqua-green knob on the right side, and a short connector peg on the bottom left side to attach to the left side of the door opening FPT16183 pony stable. Measures 1-1/16" wide, 7/8" tall, 1/2" thick (including knob).
- FPT16193 - Peggy Pony - Small stuffed cloth Smooshee pony with a preprinted face and body decorations. Peggy has a hot pink body with a white mane and tail, and purple legs with white pads on the bottom. She has purple and green eyes, one eyes is winking, purple nostrils, and a stitched mouth. Peggy has white heart designs on the sides of her body, and a yellow "S" Smooshee trademark symbol on her hip and tag.
- FPT16188 - Small white fabric pony blanket with purple stitch on the edges. The pony blanket it really just a rectangular piece of cloth sewn together on one corner. The blanket has a tag sewn on the inside marked "Made in China".
- 2 each - FPT16189 - Purple 1st place plastic ribbons. Each ribbon has a white "1" within a white circle on the front. The back of the ribbon has a small peg that fits into holes on the sides of the FPT16183 pony stable. Measures 1-1/2" tall, 1-1/8" wide, 3/8" thick.
- FPT16194 - Bridle - 1/8" wide purple ribbon with a white embroidered flower in the center that forms a loop in the ribbon. Has a tag sewn to the back of the flower and ribbon marked "Made in China".
- FPT16191 - Saddle - Small oval-shaped metallic silver fabric pony saddle with white lace around the silver seat, and a purple ribbon loop sewn to the underside of the seat. The saddle has a small fabric tag sewn on the underside marked "Made in China".
- FPT16192 - Yellow pony cart with two large white spoked wheels that have 2 pink rings around the outer edge. The cart has a rounded seat area above the wheels with white railing across the top edge of the seat. The front of the cart has an attached U-shaped harness to fit over a Smooshee pony body.
Variations: None. |
Other Information:
- 1988 - This set was sold in a 9" long, 11" high, 5-1/2" deep box.
- 1989 - This set was sold in a 12" long, 12-1/2" high, 5" deep box.
- The only other Smooshees set that used a horse blanket was the #7281 Mary and Missy Mare set.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |