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Description: The Twirling Toes Gymnastic Show has everything that a Precious Places® gymnist needs, including a balance bar, a suspended twirling bar, a record player, smart bells, and a trophy. Designed for children ages 5 years and older.
- FPT7434 - Pink triangular-shaped (with rounded edges) base with an attached 3-step grandstand attached to the back for the gymnastics winners to stand. The top of the base has an aqua paper lithograph on the floor with 3 white circles. Each circle has a pink edge with pink bow and heart decorations. The base has 3 holes on all 3 corners to attach the 3 FPT7435 fence pieces. The front center circle and one of the back circles on the base floor have a hole on both sides of the circle to attach the FPT7441 twirling bar posts or the FPT7444 balance beam. The grandstand has a hole on both top edges to attach the FPT7436 Gymnastics Show sign. The bottom of the base is marked "©1989 FISHER-PRICE, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., MADE IN MACAO". Measures 5-7/8" wide, 6-3/4" long, 1-5/8" high. 07-AJ-02-G-D
- 3 each - FPT7435 - Small white fence piece that has 3 posts with a round ball on top and with ornamental scroll between them. Measures 1-5/8" long, 5/8" high. 07-A2-01-9-T
- FPT7436 - White sign with an aqua paper lithograph marked "Twirling Toes Gymnastics Show". The bottom half of the sign is latice-simulated. The sign has 2 side support posts with small pegs on the bottom to attach to the FPT7434 base. Marked "©1989 FISHER-PRICE, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., MADE IN MACAO" on the back. Measures 2-15/16"wide, 1-15/16" high, 3/16" thick. 07-A2-01-9-U
- 2 each - FPT7437 - White hard plastic flag with a short flag pole and a small hard plastic flag on the side. The flag has a raised "PP" for Precious Places® mold on both sides. There is a round ball on top of the flag pole. The bottom of the flag pole has a round 3-tier base with a small round peg on the bottom. Measures 1-3/16" tall, 3/4" wide, 1/4" deep.
- FPT7439 - Small white record player with two attached rectangular speakers. There is a record on the turntable and the needle arm is on the record. The record player has 2 pretend knobs. Measures 7/8" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 11/16" high. 07-AJ-02-2-H
- FPT7440 - Rounded white hard plastic gym bag with a non-movable handle on the side and a molded "open top" with a molded brush and towel half out of the bag. The sides of the bag have 2 molded lines with a row of molded heart shapes between the lines. Measures 1-1/16" wide, 5/8" high, 3/4" deep. 07-AJ-02-2-I
- 2 each - FPT7441 - Tall light purple support post with an attached flag on top. The post has a decorative base with a peg on bottom to fit into the holes on the FPT7434 gym base. The top of the post has a recessed hole (opposite side of the flag) to attach the FPT7442 twirling bar. 07-A2-01-9-S
- FPT7442 - Small round light purple twirling bar pole. Each end of the pole is cut in half 1/16" deep making each end half-circle shaped to fit into the FPT7441 support posts. Measures 1-7/8" long.
- FPT7444 - Light purple balancing beam/plank with a rectangular top and support posts on the bottom sides. Each support post has a small peg on the bottom to attach to the FPT7434 gym base. Measures 2" long, 13/16" wide, 1-5/16" tall. 07-AJ-02-2-J
- FPT7443 - White hard plastic towel with a curved top that attaches to the twirling bar pole.
- 2 each - FPT7446 - Small white dumb bell with a curved handle.
- FPT7447 - Precious Places® gymnastics figure that is wearing a purple outfit with long pants and long sleeves. There is a pink bow on her chest and a pink ruffle around her waist. She has red hair in a ponytail and she wears pink slippers. Her arms are over her head and her hands are curved to grip the twirling bar. One leg is bent behind her at the knee. She has a small round magnet on the bottom of her foot that is down and she is marked "©'89 F-P, CHINA" on her back. Measures 1-7/8" tall. 07-AJ-02-2-G
- FPT17165 - Light purple magnetic key with a magnet on one end and a handle on the other end. The handle is marked "Precious Places®" on one side and has a white paper litho on the other side. The litho has a picture of a gymnastics girl in the center with one arm up, one out front, and one leg bent back (Litho may be missing). Marked "©'88 F-P MACAO". Measures 5-1/2" long, 1-5/8" wide, 1/4" thick. 07-AJ-02-2-K
Variations: None.
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