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Description: The Precious Places® Magic Key Mansion is a large 6 room, 3 story, pink Victorian house with white gingerbread trim and a light blue roof. The house has a beautiful front porch that wraps around the side, a 2-story bay window, and a white fireplace. The house has a green base (yard) with slots near the bottom to insert the Precious Places® magnetic key to move the accessories figures around. The figures and some of the accessories have magnets on them or metal that attracts the magnet on the magnetic key. When a figure is standing on the floor, and the key moves under the floor, it makes the figure appear to "come alive" and move by itself. The key can be used to open and close doors (the knobs are metal), open the fireplace door, and more. The key also activates the 4 working lights within the house, plus a porch light on the front porch! The lights require two D-size batteries (not included).
The Magic Key Mansion was originally sold completely disassembled with lots of easily lost snap-together pieces. The mansion is hard to find since it was only made for two years, but finding a complete mansion with ALL of it's tiny snap-together pieces is nearly a mission impossible. Designed for children ages 5 years and older.
Accessories: Pink 3-story snap-together Victorian house with a blue roof. Pieces included are listed below:
- FPT17115 - Large light green base (yard). The base has a flat rectangular area on the highest point that is the base of the mansion. The area has 2 different paper litho "floors": a squared yellow "tile" kitchen floor with pink edges and a large pink square in the center, and a blue paper litho floor with 2 pink octagon rings with flower designs and dark pink ribbon designs. The front of the base is the "yard" area with molded textured grass, leaves, and flowers, and a paper litho path around the front and side and. There are also various paper litho rocks and flowers on the sides. The front right side has an angled recessed area for the FPT17121 white stairs and an area below for the FPT17122 pink stairs. The lower stairs (pink) have a square recessed area on each side for the FPT17126 brick columns. The left side of the base has an angled recessed area for the FPT17121 white stairs and an open rectangular hole beside it for the FPT17127 cellar and FPT17128 door. Measures 18" long, 12-1/2" wide, 4" tall.
- 3 White plastic supports that fit under the FPT17115 base:
- FPT17116 - Long white rectangular support wall with a wide clasp on each end. The left end is marked "A" and the right end is marked "B". This support wall snaps into place under the FPT17115 base to help support the front mansion wall. Measures 11-3/16" long, 2-13/16" tall, 5/8" wide on the ends.
- FPT17117 - White flat odd-shaped support wall that fits under the FPT17115 base. The left end of the support wall is rectangular and marked with a "B". The right end is curved inward to fit against the curved base. The upper right corner has a small round upright peg. The bottom right side has a 1/2" high, 1-3/16" wide recessed hole. Measures 6-1/4" long, 2-15/16" tall.
- FPT17118 - White flat odd-shaped support wall that fits under the FPT17115 base. The left end of the support wall is curved inward to fit against the curved base. The right end is rectangular and marked with an "A". The upper left corner has a small round upright peg. The bottom left side has a 2" high, 7/8" wide recessed hole. Measures 6-1/4" long, 3" tall.
- 2-piece Furnace/Battery Pack:
- FPT17119 - Large white furnace/battery pack that fit under the FPT17115 base. The furnace has a pink decorative furnace door on the front (door does not open) and molded pipes on one side. The top has a rectangular recessed hole with 2 metal strips on the side to supply power to the FPT19000 center mansion wall to power the lights in the mansion. The bottom has a large square recessed area that holds 2 D-size batteries (not included). Measures 3-3/4" long, 3-1/4" wide, 3" tall.
- FPT17120 - Flat square white battery cover that fits onto the bottom of the furnace/battery pack. One side is marked "5166, ©1988 FISHER PRICE, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., MADE IN MACAO, PATENT PENDING". Measures 2-11/16" wide, 3" tall.
- Stairs:
- FPT17121 - 2 each - White flight of stairs with 6 steps (including top step) and 5 upright posts on the sides that support the handrail. One set of stairs fits on the front of the FPT17115 base under the porch, the other set of stair fits on the side of the FPT17115 base. Measures 1-5/8" wide, 3-1/8" tall, 2-5/8" deep.
- FPT17122 - Short pink brick-simulated flight of stairs that fits under the walkway on the front of the FPT17115 base. The stairs has 4 steps. Measures 1-5/8" wide, 1-1/4" deep, 1-1/8" deep.
- Fence:
- FPT17123 - 2 each - Long white soft plastic decorative fence that hugs the inside yard along the path's edge on the FPT17115 base. The fence has 8 upright posts with a small peg on the bottom that fit into the holes on the yard base. The fence has 7 ornamental designs, 1 design between each post. Measures 6" long, 1-1/2" tall, 1/16" thick.
- FPT17124 - Short white decorative fence that fits along the short path edge on the right side of the FPT17115 base. The fence has 2 upright posts and 3 small peg on the bottom that fit into the holes on the yard base. The peg in the center does not have a point above the rail like the two end posts, it is flat to attached the FPT17125 mailbox. Measures 2-3/8" long, 1-1/2" tall, 1/16" thick.
- FPT17125 - White mailbox with a rounded top, closed back, and open front (no door). The bottom of the mailbox has a peg with a slit in the bottom to fit onto the fence along the path edge on the FPT17115 base. Measures 3/4" tall, 5/8" wide, 3/4" deep.
- FPT17126 - 2 each - Tall square pink brick-simulated column that fits on the front of the FPT17115 base (on each side of the pink stairs). The post has 2 pegs on the bottom that snap into place on the FPT17115 base. Measures 1-1/4" tall, 5/8" wide, 5/8" deep.
- 2-Piece Cellar:
- FPT17127 - White odd-shaped cellar that fits under the back left side of the FPT17115 base. The cellar has a rectangular opening on top to attach the cellar door. The side walls are angled. The back has a small square pit with a tunnel that leads to the cellar. Measures 2-1/4" tall, 1-1/2" wide, 3" deep.
- FPT17128 - White rectangular cellar door with a round white keyhole in the center that turns. The back has a lever connected to the key hole that moves when the keyhole is turned to lock the door. The door has 5 verticle wood-simulated "boards" with a horizonal "board" near the top and bottom. The horizonal "boards" have large molded decorative hinges on the side. Measures 1-15/16" tall, 1-1/4" wide, 5/8" deep.
- Walls:
- FPT17129 - Large pink 3-sided mansion wall that is the front 2 story walls of the mansion and the 2 side walls. The outside has pink molded "siding", and the inside has paper litho "wallpaper" and decorations for the inside rooms. The front wall has a door opening on the first level with a window beside the door and a window above the door on the second level. The front wall also has a 2-story bay window. One side wall has a door opening on the first level and a small round window on the second level. The other side wall has a small window and a mouse hole on the first level and a small round window on the second level. Each side wall has a pointed roof pitch on top. The inside second level about the bay window is marked "5156, ©1988 FISHER-PRICE, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO., MADE IN MACAO". Measures 11" long, 5-1/4" deep, 11-5/8" tall.
- FPT19000 - Tall narrow pink 2-story center wall that fits in the center of the mansion to divide the rooms. The bottom 1-1/4" fits into the rectangular hole on top of the FPT17119 furnace/battery pack to provide power to all 5 lights that connect to this wall. The first level has an attached piano with an outlet for a lamp above the piano, and an outlet on the other side of the wall for a celing light. The first level also has an outlet on the side to provide power to the porch light. The second level has an outlet on both sides to provide lights in two rooms. The top of the wall has a pointed roof pitch on top. Measures 4-1/8" wide, 12-3/4" tall, 1-7/8" deep.
- FPT17142 - Small white closet wall with a door opening in the center. The area above the door has a paper litho of wall paper that matches the wall paper on the 2nd level bedroom with the bay window on the FPT17129 mansion. The door has a molded decorative door frame around the edges. The bottom corner of the door frame has a square peg that fits into a hole in the FPT17131 floor/ceiling. Measures 1-7/8" wide, 4-5/8" tall, 1/4" thick.
- Floor/ceilings:
- FPT17131 - White floor/ceiling that fits between the first and second level inside the FPT17129 mansion walls. This piece fits on the half of the mansion that has bay windows. The top floor side has a molded woodboard-simulated floor with a rectangle in the center that has flowers molded on all four corners. There is an oval-shaped pink paper litho rug attached to the center of the floor (litho may be missing). The floor is rectangular with a flat-top pyramid shape on one side to fit into the bay window and with one corner cut off and a small square hole beside the corner. The bottom corner of the FPT17142 closet door frame fits into the square hole. Measures 5-3/4" long, 5-3/8" wide, 3/16" thick.
- FPT17132 - White floor/ceiling that fits between the second and third (attic) level inside the FPT17129 mansion walls. This piece fits on the half of the mansion that has bay windows. The top floor side has a molded woodboard-simulated floor with a large rectangle in the center and a border around the rectangle of molded ducks and dots. The center of the floor has a large round magnet to spin the ceiling fan on the ceiling side. The ceiling side has a white attached celing fan with 4 blades and a round decorative ball in the center. The fan really spins. The floor is rectangular with a flat-top pyramid shape on one side to fit into the bay window. Measures 5-3/4" long, 5-3/8" wide, 1-1/8" thick.
- FPT17201 - White floor/ceiling that fits between the first and second level inside the FPT17129 mansion walls. This piece fits on the half of the mansion that does not have bay windows. The top floor side has a molded tile-simulated floor with a molded border around the edges of seashells. There is a light blue oval-shaped paper litho rug with a starfish and seashell attached to the center of the floor (litho may be missing). The floor is rectangular with a raised edge on one side. The edge has square pegs on the sides that fit into slots on the FPT17129 mansion side wall and the FPT19000 center wall. Measures 5-1/8" long, 4-5/16" wide, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17202 - White floor/ceiling that fits between the second and third (attic) level inside the FPT17129 mansion walls. This piece fits on the half of the mansion that does not have bay windows. The top floor side has a woodboard-simulated floor with round nails on the ends of the "boards". The floor is rectangular with a slightly raised edge on one side. Measures 4-3/4" long, 4-1/16" wide, 1/8" thick.
- Porch:
- FPT19001 - White plastic porch piece that attaches to the FPT17115 base in front of the FPT17129 mansion. The porch piece has 4 tall upright posts that support a bar across the top and has a doorway in the center. The porch has 2 handrails, each with 3 short decorative posts between the handrails and porch floor. Both handrails have an area to place a FPT17175 flower pot. The area below the porch floor is latice-simulated. The porch has an attached floor piece that is angled on one side. Measures 6-7/8" long, 5-3/16" tall, 1-1/2" deep.
- FPT17136 - White plastic porch piece that attaches to the FPT17115 base on the side of the FPT17129 mansion. The porch piece has 4 tall upright posts that support a bar across the top. The porch has a handrail with 8 short decorative posts between the handrail and porch floor. The handrail has two areas to place a FPT17175 flower pot. The area below the porch floor is latice-simulated. The porch has an attached floor piece that is angled on one side. Measures 5-5/8" long, 5-3/16" tall, 1-3/4" deep.
- Windows:
- FPT17137 - 2 each - Small white octagon-shaped window with a circle outline in the center of the window and 8 short spokes between the circle and window frame. Window snaps onto the second level side walls on the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 1-1/2" diameter, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17155 - Small oval-shaped white window frame with decorative molds on the top and bottom. This window fits in the oval-shaped hole on the FPT17154 cupola. Measures 7/8" wide, 1-1/2" tall, 1/4" deep.
- FPT17138 - Wide white window frame with an arched top. The window has square outlines on the sides with an open rectangle in the center. The top half of the window has V-shape with a line through the middle and a line across the bottom. The window fits in the center 2nd story bay window on the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 1-3/8" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 3/8" thick.
- FPT17139 - 2 each - Narrow white window frame with an arched top. The window has square outlines on the bottom. The top half of the window has an upsidedown U-shape with a line above it and 2 lines on the top sides. One window fits on the FPT17129 mansion 2nd level bay window left side and the other fits on the right side. Measures 1-1/8" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 5/16" thick.
- FPT17140 - 2 each - Wide white rectangular window frame with a square open bottom half. The top half has a square pattern on three sides with a line across the middle. There are 4 squares across the top. One window fits on the first level center bay window on the FPT17129 mansion and the other window fits on the 2nd level window above the front door. Measures 1-5/16" wide, 2-3/8" tall, 5/16" thick.
- FPT17141 - 4 each - Narrow white rectangular window frame with a square open bottom half. The top half has a square pattern on three sides with a line across the middle. There are 3 squares across the top. One window fits on the FPT17129 mansion first level bay window left side and another fits on the right side. One window fits into the window beside the first level front door. The last fits into the window on the first level side wall window. Measures 1-1/16" wide, 2-3/8" tall, 5/16" thick.
- Doors (*also see Cellar door in 2-piece cellar section above):
- FPT17143 - Tall narrow white closet door that fits in the door frame on the FPT17142 closet wall. The door has 4 slightly recessed rectangular "panels", and a round metal door knob on the right side. The left top and bottom corners have small pegs that fit into tiny holes in the closet wall door frame. Door measures 1-1/8" wide, 2-15/16" tall, 5/8" thick (including door knob).
- FPT17144 - 2 each - White door with a rectangular open top half with square and rectangular designs, 2 raised rectangular "panels" on the bottom half, and a round metal door knob on the right side. The left top and bottom corners have small pegs that fit into tiny holes in the FPT17145 door frames. One door and frame fit on the front door of the FPT17129 mansion, the other door and frame fit on the mansion side wall door. Door measures 1-3/8" wide, 2-3/4" tall, 5/8" thick (including door knob).
- Door Frames:
- FPT17145 - 2 each - Tall white 3-sided door frame with a thick decorative crown molding above the door frame. The bottom left corner of the door frame has a squared peg with a pole in the center. The upper left corner of the door frame has a small square hole. The FPT17144 door pegs fit into these holes. The back of the door frame has 6 small pegs (2 on top, 2 on side middle and 2 on side bottom) that fit into holes on the outside walls on the FPT17129 mansion. One door and frame fit on the front door of the FPT17129 mansion, the other door and frame fit on the mansion side wall door. Measures 1-7/8" wide, 3-3/8" tall, 5/16" thick.
- FPT17146 - Small white 3-sided decorative door frame that snaps onto the inside front door opening on the FPT17129 mansion walls. The back of the door frame has 4 small raised pegs (2 on each side) that snap into the 4 tiny holes around the inside front door opening. Measures 1-3/4" wide, 3" tall, 1/4" thick (including pegs).
- FPT17147 - Small white 3-sided decorative door frame that snaps onto the 2nd story bathroom door opening on the FPT19000 center walls. The back of the door frame has 3 small raised pegs (2 on the bottom sides and 1 in the center top) that snap into the 3 tiny holes around the door opening. Measures 1-1/4" wide, 2-7/8" tall, 1/4" thick (including pegs).
- Chimney:
- FPT17148 - Tall white brick-simulated chimney with a pink squared rim around the top. The side of the chimney that fits against the house is smooth and the top has a raised angled area near the top that fits over the walls and roof. Measures 12-1/16" tall, 1-3/4" wide, 1-3/8" deep.
- FPT17149 - Short pink brick-simulated chimney with an attached pink fireplace on the bottom. The fireplace has a square white door in the center with a molded design pattern. The chimney has a round white key hole in the center. When the keyhole is turned with a Precious Places® magnetic key, the fireplace door will open and a white mouse will pop out of the top. This fireplace and chimney fit on the first floor in the corner beside the bay window and side wall. Measures 2-1/8" wide, 4" tall, 3/4" deep.
- Roof:
- FPT19002 - Light blue shingle-simulated roof with a pitch in the middle and recessed triangular end sides. One side of the roof has a large rectangular opening. The other side of the roof has an odd-shaped hole for the FPT17154 cupola with a 3-sided angled roof piece below the hole. The angled roof piece fits over the second level bay window on the FPT17129 mansion. One of the triangular ends has a rectangular recessed area for the FPT17148 chimney. Measures 6-3/4" long, 5" wide, 3-1/4" tall.
- FPT19003 - Light blue shingle-simulated roof with a pitch in the middle and recessed triangular end sides. One side of the roof has a large rectangular opening. The other side of the roof has a small triangular roof piece to fit over the second level window above the front door. This roof piece fit on top of the FPT17129 mansion on the half that has the front door. Measures 5-3/8" long, 5" wide, 3-1/4" tall.
- FPT17152 - Light blue shingle-simulated L-shaped porch roof that fits above the front porch on the front and side of the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 7-5/8" long, 6-1/4" wide, 1" high.
- FPT17153 - Small rounded light blue shingle-simulated 6-sided cupola roof piece with a round metal piece on the top. Measures 2" diameter, 2-1/8" tall.
- Cupola:
- FPT17154 - Small pink siding-simulated cupola with 6 sides. One side of the cupola has an oval-shaped hole to place the FPT17155 cupola window into. The bottom of the cupola has a 5/8" tall lip that fits through the hole in the FPT17150 roof piece. The top has a lip to attach the FPT17153 cupola roof piece. The bottom of the cupola has a tiny hole to fit the FPT17156 bird pole into to allow the birds to be seen inside the cupola through the window. Measures 1-7/8" diameter, 3-1/8" tall.
- FPT17156 - Tall white bird pole with 2 rings around the top of the pole to fit into a hole on the top inside of the FPT17153 cupola roof. The bottom of the pole fits into a hole on the bottom of the FPT17154 cupola. The pole has 3 upright pegs that the FPT17186 birds fit onto. Measures 4-3/16" tall, 1" wide, 1" deep.
- Gingerbread trim that attaches to the outside mansion walls and to the roof pieces:
- FPT17157 - Long white plastic trim that is rounded on one side and has decorative trim near the top right side. The back of the trim has 3 pegs that snap into holes on the front left corner of the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 8-1/16" long, 1-5/16" wide.
- FPT17158 - Long white plastic trim that fits on the left side of the bay windows on the FPT17129 mansion. The trim has 3 pegs on back to snap into holes beside the windows. The trim has 4 recessed molds on the right side to fit around the attachable windows on the bay windows. Measures 8-1/2" long, 3/16" wide.
- FPT17188 - Long white plastic trim that fits on the right side of the bay windows on the FPT17129 mansion. The trim has 3 pegs on back to snap into holes beside the windows. The trim has 4 recessed molds on the left side to fit around the attachable windows on the bay windows. Measures 8-1/2" long, 3/16" wide.
- FPT17159 - Short white plastic trim that is rounded on one side and has decorative trim near the top left side. The back of the trim has 2 pegs that snap into holes on the right upper side of the bay windows (middle of mansion) on the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 4" long, 1-1/4" wide.
- FPT17160 - Short white plastic trim that is rounded on one side. The back of the trim has 2 pegs that snap into holes above the porch light (middle of mansion) on the FPT17129 mansion. The pegs are spaces 5/8" apart. Measures 1-1/2" long.
- FPT17161 - Short white plastic trim that is rounded on one side. The back of the trim has 2 pegs that snap into holes below the porch light (middle of mansion) on the FPT17129 mansion. The pegs are spaces 3/4" apart. Measures 1-1/2" long.
- FPT17162 - Long white plastic trim that is completely round except for one corner that is squared inward. The trim has 3 holes within the inward square area that snaps into holes on the right front corner of the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 7-3/4" long, 1/4" wide, 1/4" deep.
- FPT17163 - White upsidedown V-shaped plastic trim with a raised molded heart in the top center and heart and scroll designs on the sides. The back of the trim has 2 wide square plastic pegs that fit into slots above the 2nd story window (above the front door) on front of the FPT17129 mansion. Measures 2-1/8" tall, 1-5/8" wide, 5/16" deep.
- FPT17164 - Long white plastic trim with raised molded decorative designs on one side. This trim fits on the long (front side) of the FPT17152 porch roof. The top of the trim has 3 wide slats that fit into place under the edge of the porch roof. Measures 7-7/16" long, 1/2" tall, 1/8" thick.
- FPT19004 - Long white plastic trim with raised molded decorative designs on one side. This trim fits on the short (side piece) of the FPT17152 porch roof. The top of the trim has 3 wide slats that fit into place under the edge of the porch roof. Measures 6-3/16" long, 1/2" tall, 1/8" thick.
- FPT17166 - Small pink triangular siding-simulated end piece that fits on the end of the FPT17152 porch roof. One side is siding-simlated, and the other side is smooth with a round hollow peg near the top smooth side to connect to the peg on the porch roof. This piece attaches to the front porch roof side (above the porch light). Measures 1-11/16" long, 3/4" tall, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17167 - Small pink triangular siding-simulated end piece that fits on the end of the FPT17152 porch roof. One side is siding-simlated, and the other side is smooth with a round hollow peg near the top smooth side to connect to the peg on the porch roof. This piece attaches to the side of the front porch that wraps around the side of the mansion. Measures 2" long, 13/16" tall, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17168 - Long white plastic trim with raised molded decorative designs on two sides. This trim fits on the top of the FPT17150 roof piece. The bottom of the trim has 4 wide slats that fit into the 4 holes on top of the roof pitch. Measures 6-3/4" long, 9/16" tall, 3/16" thick.
- FPT17169 - Long white plastic trim with raised molded decorative designs on two sides. This trim fits on the top of the FPT17151 roof piece. The bottom of the trim has 3 wide slats that fit into the 3 holes on top of the roof pitch. Measures 5-3/8" long, 9/16" tall, 3/16" thick.
- FPT17170 - Short white plastic trim with raised molded decorative designs on two sides. This trim fits on the top of the window pitch on the FPT17151 roof piece. The bottom of the trim has a wide slat that fit into the hole on top of the window roof pitch. Measures 1-1/2" long, 1/2" tall, 3/16" thick.
- FPT17171 - 2 each - Large white upsidedown V-shaped decorative trim with raised molded decorative designs on one side. The top point has a raised molded heart within a horseshoe shape. The back of the trim has 4 rectangular slats that fit into groves on the roof pieces. One trim piece fits on the end of the FPT17150 roof piece and the other trim piece fits on the end of the FPT17151 roof piece. Measures 5" long, 3-3/8" tall, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17172 - Large white decorative trim with raised molded decorative designs on one side. The top point has a raised molded heart within a horseshoe shape. The back of the trim has 3 rectangular slats that fit into groves on the FPT17150 roof piece (end with fireplace). Measures 3-7/8" long, 7/8" wide, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17173 - Small white decorative trim piece that fits onto the side bottom corner of the FPT17150 roof piece (end with fireplace). Has 1 small rectangular peg on the back to fit into the hole on the roof end piece. Measures 13/16" long, 7/16" wide, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17174 - 6 each - Short white decorative trim piece with raised molded decorations on one side and a wide rectangular peg on top. These pieces fit under the FPT17153 cupola roof edges. Measures 1-3/8" long, 1/2" wide, 1/8" thick.
- Flower box, flowers, and leaves:
- FPT17175 - 4 each - Pink half-oval-shaped flower box that is flat on top with a hole in the center and has wicker-simulated sides on the front. The bottom of the flower box has a recessed lip and is hollow inside to allow the flower box to attach to the handrails on the porch pieces. Measures 1-1/16" long, 5/8" wide, 1/4" tall.
- FPT16854 - 4 each - Green soft plastic "leaves" with a hole in the center and 4 leaves on the sides. Measures 1-1/4" long, 1-1/4" wide, 1/2" deep.
- FPT17176 - 4 each - Yellow soft plastic flower bundle with a long stem. The flower bundle has 3 five-pedal flowers, each with a long stem. Measures 7/8" long, 1" wide, 1" deep.
- Lamps and Lights:
- FPT17177 - Square white porch light with a square clear plastic light cover on top that covers the bulb inside. The back of the light has a square peg that plugs into the edge of the FPT19000 electrical center wall (outside of the mansion). Measures 3/4" wide, 1-5/16" tall, 15/16" deep. Uses tiny light bulb FPT45440. See Replacement Bulb TOT115.
- FPT17178 - White ceiling light with a long pole that has a squared plug on the end. The end of the pole (beside the plug) has a round decorative cover that is flat across the top to be flush with the ceiling. The light has a clear plastic dome-shaped shade that is scalloped across the bottom edge, textured on the sides, and has a round clear plastic cover across the bottom. The lamp plugs into the FPT19000 electrical center wall (inside the mansion). Measures 1-1/4" wide, 1-1/4" tall, 2" deep. Uses tiny light bulb FPT45440. See Replacement Bulb TOT115.
- FPT17179 - Round white ceiling light with a round base and a round piece on the side that has a square plug on the end that plus into the FPT19000 electrical center wall (inside the mansion). The light has a rounded clear plastic light cover on top that cover the bulb inside. The top of the light cover is scalloped and has a round clear plastic cover on top. Measures 3/4" wide, 1-1/4" tall, 1-3/8" deep. Uses tiny light bulb FPT45440. See Replacement Bulb TOT115.
- FPT17180 - Clear plastic wall sconce with a half-shell light cover and a dome-shaped cover under the light bulb. The shell light cover has a scalloped edge across the bottom and tiny raised molded heart designs on top of each scallop. The top back side has a square clear plastic plug that plugs into the FPT19000 electrical center wall (inside the mansion). Measures 1-5/16" wide, 13/16" tall, 7/8" deep. Uses tiny light bulb FPT45440. See Replacement Bulb TOT115.
- FPT17181 - Round white lamp with a flat bottom and a short white pole on the side. The pole has a rounded cover that is flat on the bottom and has a white plug on the end that plugs into the FPT19000 electrical center wall (inside the mansion). The lamp has a round clear plastic lamp shade that covers the bulb inside. Measures 3/4" wide, 1-1/4" tall, 1-1/4" deep. Uses tiny light bulb FPT45440. See Replacement Bulb TOT115.
- Accessories and Precious Places® figures:
- FPT17182 - Tall white grandfather clock with a molded clock face. The clockface has movable hands that are connected to a round dial on back of the clock with an off-set magnet to move the clock hands with a Precious Places® magnetic key. The clock has scrolled decorative molding across the top with 3 raised molded heart. The center area of the clock has a recessed area with a raised molded pendulum in the center. The bottom of the clock has an arched-shaped mouse hole. Measures 3-5/8" tall, 13/16" wide, 13/16" deep.
- FPT17183 - Precious Places® girl figure with long brown molded hair that has a pink bow in the back, brown dot eyes, pink cheeks and lips, and wearing a long dress. Her dress has white long-sleeves, a square pink area on the chest with a molded heart in the center, and a pink long skirt with a pocket on the side (one hand is in the pocket). She wears pink shoes, white socks, and has a small round magnet on the bottom of one foot. Marked "©'88 F-P, MACAO" on the back of one shoe. Measures 1-3/4" tall.
- FPT17184 - Grey Precious Places® cat figure with white stripes on it's back, head, and front legs. The cat has pink inner ears, blue dot eyes, a pink heart-shaped nose, and has a pink collar with a pink ribbon on the chest. Cat has a round magnet on the bottom of it's feet and is marked "©'88 F-P, MACAO" on the side of one foot. Measures 1" tall, 5/8" wide, 1" long.
- FPT17185 - Tiny white oval-shaped Precious Places® mouse figure that is flat on the bottom with a tiny round magnet attached to the bottom. The mouse has large round molded ears with pink inner ears, molded eyes, nose, and whiskers, a long molded tail on the back, and molded arms and legs on it's side. Measures 13/16" long, 1/2" wide, 1/4" tall.
- FPT17186 - 3 each - Tiny white bird with a rounded belly on the bottom, a round head on top with molded eyes and beek, side feathers up on the sides, and a short tail feather up on the back. The bird has a round hole on the bottom to fit onto the FPT17156 bird pole inside the cupola.
- FPT17187 - Pink magnetic key with a magnet on one end and a handle on the other end. The handle is marked "Precious Places®" on one side and has an oval-shaped paper litho on the other side, unknown decription of litho. (Litho may be missing). Marked "©'88 F-P MACAO". Measures 5-1/2" long, 1-5/8" wide, 1/4" thick.
- FPT17214 - White 8-1/2" x 11" instructions sheet for the #5166 Mansion. The instructions have black print and pictures.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |