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Description: Husky Helper farmer is ready to take his prize winning bull to the Rodeo in his big wheel tractor and cart. The cart has 4 removable sides to make a free-standing corral.
- FPT2114 - Red farm tractor with an orangish-yellow cab interior, engine, and front grill. Has a hitch on the back for the cart. Makes clicking sound when pushed. Measures 7-1/8" long x 4-3/4" wide x 6-1/4" tall. Bottom of tractor (square seat area) is marked, "331, ©1980 FISHER PRICE TOYS, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO. PAT PENDING. MADE IN U.S.A.".
- 5-piece trailer:
- FPT2115 - Yellow flatbed trailer with a hitch on the front that fits on the FPT2114 tractor. Tractor has a flat bed, rolls on 4 spoked wheels (under back), and molded sides designed to hold the removable grey fence pieces. Bottom center of trailer is marked, "331, ©1980 FISHER PRICE TOYS, DIVISION OF THE QUAKER OATS CO. PAT PENDING. MADE IN U.S.A.". WFL: 07-AH-05-1-C
- 2 each - FPT2116 - Tall grey end pieces that fit the FPT2117 cart-sides (short ends). Can be used as a ramp to get the bull on the trailer. Measures 4-5/8" wide x 4-1/4" tall x 7/8" deep. *See variations below.
- 2 each - FPT2117 - Short gray cart sides that resembles corral fence. Measures 6-7/8" wide x 2-1/4" tall x 1/2" deep. *See variations below.
- FPT3666 - Husky Helper Farmer figure wearing a large white straw hat, dark blue coveralls over a light blue long-sleeve shirt, dark blue pants, and brown boots. He has 2 overall strap "buckles" on his chest. He also has blue dot eyes.
- FPT3791 - Large brown bull with white horns, movable head and limbs.
- The removable cart sides have been seen in red vs grey.
Other Information:
- This set was sold in a 17-5/8" long, 8-7/8" high, 6-3/4" deep display box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!