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Description: In 1975, Fisher-Price introduced 3 new hefty construction vehicles, #300 Scoop Loader, #301 Shovel Digger and #302 Dump Truck. These vehicles are large, all plastic, and roll on wide track, deep tread tires. Each of these sets come with an all plastic figure that has a round body and a construction hat, identical to the figures used in 1971's #980 ATV Explorer. 1976 introduced a new vehicle, the #311 Bulldozer. 1977 introduced yet another new vehicle to the series, the #313 Roller Grader.
In 1978, the round body figure wearing construction hats was replaced by a Husky Helper Figures.
- 1975-1977:
- FPT2050 - Orange truck with 2 big grab handles. Yellow push handle scoops, lifts, and locks in the "up" position. The other handle (WHITE arm with red ball on end) opens the WHITE bucket dump door. Top edge of scoop bucket is marked, "FISHER-PRICE". This truck makes an engine sound as it rolls. The driver's seat is round to accommodate the ROUND accessory figure. *See "Variations" below. WFL: 07-AG-25-1-A
- FPT2055 - Pre-Husky Construction figure: White plastic round figure with a moustache and wearing a yellow hardhat.
- 1978-1978:
- FPT2051 - Orange truck with 2 big grab handles. Yellow push handle scoops, lifts, and locks in the "up" position. The other handle (arm with red ball on end) opens the bucket dump door. Top edge of scoop bucket is marked, "FISHER-PRICE". This truck makes an engine sound as it rolls. The driver's seat is RECTANGULAR to accommodate the Husky Helper figure.
- FPT3657 - Husky Helper figure - Husky Helper figure with brown hair, blue dot eyes, and wearing a silver hardhat. He wears a white long-sleeve shirt, blue pants, dark brown gloves, and black shoes.
- FPT31111 - Orange truck with 2 big grab handles. Yellow push handle scoops, lifts, and locks in the "up" position. The other handle (YELLOW arm with red ball on end) opens the YELLOW bucket dump door. Top edge of scoop bucket is marked, "FISHER-PRICE". This truck makes an engine sound as it rolls. The driver's seat is round to accommodate the ROUND accessory figure.
Other Information: None.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!