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Description: The Flip Tracks Rail & Road Super Set is the ultimate Flip Track set! The set includes over 30 track pieces, all of which have railroad track on one side and a roadway on the other side. The tracks include long pieces, short pieces, curves, forks, and more that connect together in a variety of ways. The set includes a bridge, a tunnel, and lots of accessories from a train to a truck and from a crane to road signs. This set stimulates children's creativity as they can build any type of railroad or roadway that their imaginations can dream of. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- Track Pieces:
- FPT7916 - 15 each - Long tan curved Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The track has a connector peg and receiver on each end to connect to other track pieces. Measures 6-1/4" long, 1-7/8" wide.
- FPT10503 - 3 each - Long tan straight Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The track has a connector peg and receiver on each end to connect to other track pieces. Measures 5-3/4" long, 1-7/8" wide.
- FPT7917 - 4 each - Short tan straight Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The track has a connector peg and receiver on each end to connect to other track pieces. Measures 3-1/2" long, 1-7/8" wide.
- FPT10943 - 2 each - Short tan straight On/Off Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The track has a connector peg and receiver on ONE end to connect to other track pieces. The other end of the track curves upward on the railroad side, and curves downward on the road side. Measures 2-1/8" long, 1-7/8" wide.
- FPT7918 - 4 each - Tan 4-way crossings track piece with a double connector receiver on 4 sides to connect to other track pieces. 2 of the corners are rounded inward, and 2 corners have a round hole that are designed to hold crossing gates, signs, etc. Measures 6" long x 6" wide.
- FPT7946 - Long tan straight runway piece with a yellow and blue runway litho on one side. The other side of the track has railroad tracks with an ending bar on one end and a connector peg and receiver on the other end. Measures 6-1/8" long x 1-1/8" wide.
- FPT7919 - Tan Left-side road fork Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The track has a connector peg and receiver on one end, and 2 connector pegs and receivers on the other end to connect to other track pieces. Unlike the FPT16797 right-side fork, the left-side fork does not have an imprint to indicate left side. Measures 6" long, 3-1/2" wide.
- FPT16797 - Tan Right-side road fork Flip Track road/rail track with roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The roadway side has a rectangular square with a "R" imprint inside to indicate "Right Fork Piece". The track has a connector peg and receiver on one end, and 2 connector pegs and receivers on the other end to connect to other track pieces. Measures 6" long, 3-1/2" wide.
- FPT7921 - Left upward curved Flip Track track ramp with 2 round supports on the sides to lift the track. The track has a roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The roadway side has a "L" imprint for Left beside the left support post. The track has a connector peg and receiver peg on each end. Measures 11" long, 5-1/8" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT7922 - Right upward curved Flip Track track ramp with 2 round supports on the sides to lift the track. The track has a roadway on one side of the track, and railroad track on the other side. The roadway side has a "R" imprint for Right beside the right support post. The track has a connector peg and receiver peg on each end. Measures 11" long, 5-1/8" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT7923 - Green bridge that is permanently attached to a grey brick-simulated base. Each end of the bridge base has a removable yellow crossing gate. When one gate is pressed downward, it make the bridge tilt upward, and makes the crossing gate on the other end of the bridge lower. When the bridge goes back down, both crossing gates move up. The side of the bridge is marked "Fisher-Price" in white. There are connector peg receiver holes on each end of the bridge. There is a short roadway under the bridge with connector peg receivers on each side. Measures 8-1/2" long, 4-1/2" wide, 3-1/2" tall (bridge down) 7-1/2" tall (bridge up).
- FPT16799 - 2 each - Small yellow crossing gate with a black and white striped paper litho on two sides. One end of the gate has a recessed circular area with a small hole in the center, and a wedge on the side that allows the gate to snap onto Flip Track bridges. The other end of the gate has a round pretend light on top. Measures 2-7/8" long, 5/16" thick, 1" tall. *See Variations below.
- FPT7924 - Green horseshoe-shaped tunnel with grey brick-simulated tunnel openings on each end and along the bottom side edges. The sides of the tunnel have tree and mountain molds (not detailed), and the top of the tunnel has a square-shaped raised platform with a round hole in the center. One end of the tunnel is marked "Fisher-Price" in blue across the top opening. Measures 4-3/8" long, 5-1/2" wide, 4-1/2" tall.
- FPT7945 - Large yellow airport terminal/hanger with an arched hanger door on two sides, and a helicopter pad on the top. There is a "Fisher-Price" sign above the hanger doors and blue "windows" on the Control Tower on top of the hanger.
- Vehicles:
- FPT10468 - Red train engine with a blue base, a yellow cowcatcher on the front, a yellow roof over the cab, and a yellow ring around the top of the red smoke stack. When the engine rolls, white (plastic) smoke will go up and down from the smoke stack. The side of the engine is marked "2" and "Fisher-Price" in white. There is a blue upward pointed peg on the back of the engine to attach other train cars. The train rolls on 4 black wheels. Measures 4" long, 1-5/8" wide, 2-3/8" tall.
- FPT7926 - 2 each - Flat blue train car. The top of the train car is wood plank simulated with a round hole in the center. The car has an upright connector peg on one end and an oblong loop on the other end to connect to other cars. Rolls on 4 black wheels. Measures 3-3/4" long, 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT7927 - Red rectangular caboose that has a yellow roof and blue "windows" on the ends and sides. The sides of the caboose are wood plank simulated. The bottom of the caboose has a large round peg that can be attached to the top of a flat bed train car. Measures 2-3/8" long, 1-3/8" wide, 1-5/8" tall.
- 2-Piece Tow Truck:
- FPT7931 - Tow truck with a yellow base and a blue cab that a black "windshield" and black "windows". The truck has a tall molded smoke stack on each side of the cab with a gas hole behind one of the smoke stacks. The truck has a flat bed with a round hole in the center. Measures 3-1/4" long, 1-3/4" wide, 1-3/4" tall.
- FPT16803 - Orange base tow boom with a yellow crane attached. The crane rotates 180 degrees on the boom. The crane has an upward pointed peg/hook on the end to connect to cars. Measures 2-7/8" long, 1-1/8" wide.
- 3-Piece Dump Truck:
- FPT16804 - Yellow truck cab with a blue "windshield" and "windows". The truck has a tall molded smoke stack on each side of the cab with a gas hole behind one of the smoke stacks. The truck has a flat bed with a round hole in the center. Measures 3-1/4" long, 1-3/4" wide, 1-3/4" tall.
- FPT7926 - Flat blue train car. The top of the train car is wood plank simulated with a round hole in the center. The car has an upright connector peg on one end and an oblong loop on the other end to connect to other cars. Rolls on 4 black wheels. Measures 3-3/4" long, 1-1/2" wide, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT16805 - Orange squared dumptruck bed with one rounded end that is marked "Fisher-Price" in yellow across the top edge. Measures 2-1/4" long, 1-7/8" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT7948 - White egg-shaped helicopter with a large blue windshield on the front and a red star on the sides with a yellow "3" in the center. The helicopter has 2 red pontoons for landing gear with "Fisher-Price" on the side. One of the pontoons has a gas hole on the top back side. The copter has an orange 3-blade propeller on top, the top center of the propeller is rounded (no hole on top nor side). Measures 4" long, 2" wide, 3" tall.
- FPT10476 - Large white jumbo jet with a yellow hinged front compartment that opens, blue "windows", a yellow tail wing, and "Fisher-Price" marked on the side in red. The plane has black wheels, and yellow "engines" on the front of each wing.
- FPT16820 - Small red top, white base airplane with a blue cockpit area and a yellow spinning propeller on the front that spins as the plane rolls on it's 2 black wheels. One of the wings is marked "Fisher-Price" in blue. Measures 3-1/4" long, 3-1/4" wide, 2" tall.
- FPT16818 - Fuel/service truck with a blue top, white base, and an attached orange gas hose and nozzle attached to one side (beside the cab). The truck cab has a black "windshield". The there is an oblong hole in the front "bumper", and a ribbed truck bed on the back with an indented circle in the center. Rolls on 4 small black wheels. Marked "Fisher-Price" on the side.
- FPT10478 - Orange car with a white base and a blue "windshield" and "windows". The front hood is hinged allowing the hood to lift up. The car rolls on 4 black wheels.
- FPT10479 - Small red Indy race car (resembles a Hot Wheels car) with a small silver top, a silver engine in the back, and a red spoiler on the back with "Fisher-Price" in white on the end of the spoiler. The car rolls on 4 black wheels.
- Road signs:
- FPT12228 - Tall yellow sign with a square sign at the top and a round base with a plus-shape (+). The sign has a green litho on both sides with a yellow bridge and white water waves under it. Measures 4" tall, 2" wide, 1" round base.
- FPT7934 - Round orange sign with a round white paper litho on one side with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of railroad tracks. The other side has a round white paper litho on with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of a gas nozzle with a drop of gas below the nozzle. The base of the sign is rounded with a plus-shape (+). Measures 1-5/16" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 1" deep.
- FPT7935 - Round orange sign with a round white paper litho on one side with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of the back of a car with wavy lines. The other side has a round white paper litho on with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of an airplane. The base of the sign is rounded with a plus-shape (+). Measures 1-5/16" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 1" deep.
- FPT7952 - 2 each - Blue crossing gate that has a round base and a lever arm that has a black and yellow yield paper litho on both sides (litho may be missing). Measures 2-1/2" long, 1" wide, 1" tall. *See "Variations" below.
- Buildings & Accessories:
- FPT7936 - 2 each - Short square yellow building with a blue paper litho "door" on one side, and 2 blue paper litho "windows" on the other side (lithos may be missing). The top of the building is flat with a round hole in the center to add accessory roof pieces. Measures 2" long, 2-3/8" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT16806 - Short square yellow gas station building with an attached red plastic gas hose and nozzle. The gas station has a molded pump on the front with a red, yellow, and blue paper litho, and a hole in the top for the gas nozzle to fit into. The top of the building has a squared raised roof with shingle-simulated sides and a round hole in the top center. Measures 2-3/4" long, 2" wide, 2-1/4" tall.
- FPT16807 - Square green roof with a raised squared roof that has shingle-simulated sides. The top of the roof is square. Measures 2" long, 2" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT7942 - Square orange roof with a shingle-simulated pointed pitch in the center and a paper litho clock on one end. Measures 2" long, 2" wide, 1-1/2" tall.
- FPT7940 - Square red tower that has a blue paper litho window 2 sides of the tower, and a tall top piece that has a round hole in the center. Measures 2" long, 2" wide, 1-3/4" tall.
- FPT7943 - Large yellow crane with a moveable yellow crane arm. The crane base has a blue paper litho "window" and 2 molded smoke stacks on top. The bottom of the base has 4-spoke pegs that form a plus shape (+) to allow the crane to attach to other Flip Track accessories. Measures 4-1/2" long, 1-3/4" wide, 2" tall.
- FPT10943 - Small green octagon-shaped cargo barrel. The barrel has a peg on the side to connect to Flip Track accessories.
- FPT16808 - Small red square cargo piece with wood plank simulated sides on 4 sides and 2 round pegs on the 2 ends. Two of the wood plank sides has a raised round circle.
- FPT7951 - Round blue radar dish that has 2 support legs and a round base. Measures 1-1/4" long, 1" wide, 2-1/8" tall.
- FPT30069 - Parts list and Instructions.
- FPT16800 - Small orange crossing gate with a black and white striped paper litho on two sides. One end of the gate has a recessed circular area with a small hole in the center, and a wedge on the side that allows the gate to snap onto Flip Track bridges. Measures 2-7/8" long, 5/16" thick, 1/2" tall.
Other Information:
- FPT10480 - This set was sold in a 29-1/4" long, 17" high, 5-1/8" deep window box.
- FPT10954 - This set was sold in a 24" long, 14-1/2" high, 5" deep window color gift box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |