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Description: This is a race car set that was designed to either be used alone or with any of the Fisher-Price Flip Track sets. Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- FPT10495 - Small white Indy race car (resembles a Hot Wheels car) with a small silver top, a silver engine in the back, and a white spoiler on the back with "Fisher-Price" in red on the end of the spoiler. The car rolls on 4 black wheels.
- FPT10496 - Small silver flat bed trailer used to haul the FPT10495 Indy race car. The trailer has an oblong hitch on the front and 2 black wheels on the back. The top of the trailer bed has an indented circle in the center with a raised lip around the edge.
- FPT10497 - Yellow mechanics truck used to pull the FPT10495 race car and FPT10496 trailer. The truck has a blue "windshield" and "windows", an "X" imprint on the top, and molded gadgets on the back and sides of the truck. The truck has an upright yellow peg in the back to connect other cars, and the truck rolls on 4 black wheels.
- FPT10498 - Red rectangular sign with a yellow litho that has a pictures of a black gas nozzle, a black wrench, and a black oil can. The sign is supported by 2 attached pylons (one on each end of the sign).
- FPT10499 - Round red sign with a round white paper litho with a red ring on the edges and a black picture in the center of a back view of a car that has wavy tire marks behind it. The base of the sign is rounded with a plus-shape (+). Measures 1-5-16" wide, 2-1/2" tall, 1" deep.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
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