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Description: This is a music box mobile that attaches to a playpen or crib. The music box "Brahms' Lullaby" for 10 minutes with just one full wind. A metal rod attaches to the top of the music box. The rod extends up and curves at the top to hold the mobile. The mobile has a white plastic "X" with plastic barnyard animals hanging down via strings. Measures 27" high x 19" wide.
- #174 Complete Mobile - Parts included listed below:
- FPT16237 - Turquoise music box with a yellow wind knob and a paper lithograph with a picture of a rooster. The lithograph is marked "Music Box Mobile, plays Brahms' Lullaby. Musical movement made in Switzerland, 174". It plays Brahms' Lullaby for 10 minutes with just one full wind. The back of the music box has a large turquoise screw. The FPT19010 disc screws onto the large screw to sandwich the music box and disc between crib rails. The top of the music box has a large recessed hole to attach the mobile rod. Measures 6-1/2" tall, 4" wide, 4-1/4" deep. WFL: 07-AE-26-2-A
- FPT19010 - Round red disc with a hole in the center and a paper lithograph on one side. The lithograph has a picture of a scarecrow, lamb, pony, pig, and cow in a circle with a green background and blue sky edges. Measures 4-5/8" diameter, 15/16" thick. WFL: 07-AL-02-D-H
- FPT16238 - Yellow metal rod that is curved on one end. The rod attaches to the top of the FPT16237 & FPT19012 music boxes. The curved end of the rod has a large round yellow knob with a red hook on the bottom. When the rod is connected to the music box and the music box is wound, the red hook turns slowly. The hook holds the FPT16239 mobile. Measures 23" long, 11-1/2" wide. *See "Variations" below. WFL: BW
- FPT16239 - White adjustable plastic "X" mobile with a square in the center that has a red "roof" and flat black rooster weathervane on top. The bottom of the center square has a hard plastic scarecrow figure handing down via string. Each end of the X has a plastic barnyard animals hanging down via strings. The animals are a yellow cow, a blue sheep, a pink pig, and an orange horse. The x-shape can fold flat for storage. WFL: 07-AN-01-B-G
- FPT19011 - Turquoise metal rod that is curved on one end. The rod attaches to the top of the FPT16237 & FPT19012 music boxes. The curved end of the rod has a large round yellow knob with a red hook on the bottom. When the rod is connected to the music box and the music box is wound, the red hook turns slowly. The hook holds the FPT16239 mobile. Measures 23" long, 11-1/2" wide. WFL: 07-AG-19-4-B
Repair: If your music box plays slow (or not at all!), you may want to check out our REPAIR STATION. We can restore most Fisher-Price wind-up music box mechanisms to almost new condition!
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |