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Description: This is one of 6 Little People animated video stories of the Little People family consisting of Dad, Mom, Brother Jimmy (orange body/brown hair), Sister Penny (green body/yellow hair), Lucky (dog) and Baby Sister (with hat). This is not actually made by Fisher Price, but is licensed by them to "New World Video, produced by Marvel Productions, Ltd. - A New World Company". Designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old.
- FPT5173 - Black 30 minute VHS (U.S. NTSC format) video titled "Fun With Words".
- FPT5261 - Yellow plastic video sleeve titled "Fun WIth Words" to hold the FPT5173 "Fun With Words" VHS video. The sleeve has a pink cover with a picture of baby sitting on a purple chair holding a sign marked "Baby", and Jimmy, Penny, and Lucky dog looking at other signs with words on them. The top of the cover is marked "Little People Video".
- FPT5165 - Small soft cover book titled "Fun With Words". The cover has a picture of baby sitting on a purple chair holding a sign marked "Baby", and Jimmy, Penny, and Lucky dog looking at other signs with words on them.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
- FPT5293 - Mint (unopened) Set including video, video sleeve, and book.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |