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Description: This paperback book provides over 500 words and matching pictures to help children learn to read. The book features Current Little People.
- FPT8175 - Soft cover Current Little People book titled "Word Book". The book has a yellow and green cover on the front with the words "word book" in different colored square blocks and with 6 Current Little People wearing signs with pictures or words. The top of the book has a red, white, and blue Fisher-Price awning logo with the word "Fisher-Price" in white and blue in the center. ©1997 Fisher-Price, Inc. Published by Modern Publishing, a Division of Unisystems, Inc. Measures 8-1/8" wide x 10-3/4" tall x 5-16" thick. ISBN #1-56144-931-8.
Variations: None.
Other Information: None.
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