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Box with
Flag Design

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Box with
Earth Design

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Description: This is a All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Explorer! A stylish, rugged indoor-outdoor 6-wheel riding toy for small children, durable enough to carry as much as 200 pounds. It has lots of action and even comes with 2 play figures that fit inside the front compartment (and fit up and down the steps on the ATV's rear fold-down panel). Measures 18-1/2" long, 10" wide and 13" high.
The ATV was originally introduced with American Flag lithograph stickers on both sides. Sometime during it's production, two of the side lithograph strickers were changed from flag designs to Scientific Exploration (cartoonish) designs. |
- FPT30147 - White plastic All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Explorer with a red seat and a big round yellow steering wheel that turns both the front and rear axles for ultimate manuverability. A red push-button horn in the middle of the steering wheel sounds "beep-beep" when pushed. A large knob on the base activates a motor sound. The front of the base has a clear plastic cab with 2 seat holes sized to fit the two removable accessory figures. A yellow door lowers at the rear, opening a space to store other toys inside the ATV. When closed, the door resembles the rear of a car with molded "tail lights", a tag marked "FP-980" a fisher-Price logo, and a recessed knob area to lower the door. When lowered, the door reveals a hidden stairway for accessory figures to go inside the ATV. Left sticker litho pictures an American Flag and "USA" under "980" and a explorer seated at a desk in front of wavy lines on a screen. Right sticker litho features an American Flag with "Fisher-Price ATV Explorer" under the flag.
- Two Pre-Husky Construction figures:
- FPT2055 - White plastic round figure with a moustache and wearing a yellow hardhat.
- FPT2057 - Dark yellow plastic round figure with a smiling face (open mouth smile with 2 lines) and wearing a white hardhat. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT22375 - White plastic All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Explorer with a red seat and a big round yellow steering wheel that turns both the front and rear axles for ultimate manuverability. A red push-button horn in the middle of the steering wheel sounds "beep-beep" when pushed. A large knob on the base activates a motor sound. The front of the base has a clear plastic cab with 2 seat holes sized to fit the two removable accessory figures. A yellow door lowers at the rear, opening a space to store other toys inside the ATV. When closed, the door resembles the rear of a car with molded "tail lights", a tag marked "FP-980" a fisher-Price logo, and a recessed knob area to lower the door. When lowered, the door reveals a hidden stairway for accessory figures to go inside the ATV. Left sticker litho pictures Earth under "980" and a explorer seated at a desk in front of wavy lines on a screen. Right sticker litho features a boy holding a map, girl opening boy's backpack, and a dog with a backpack. Measures 18 1/2" long, 10" wide and 13" high. WFL: BW
- FPT2059 - Light yellow plastic round figure with a smiling face (closed mouth smile with 1 line) and wearing a white hardhat.
Other Information:
- FP980BOX1971 (Box ONLY) - Sold in large box marked, "Fisher-Price Explorer". WFL: BW
- FP980SET1971 - Complete set in original box. WFL: BW
- This toy was redesigned and reissued as #983 Fisher-Price School Bus in 1983. The new design is the same size and shape as the Explorer, the only difference is the colors, litho, and the cab has only one seat.
- This toy is used as a marketing case study in marketing classes at Harvard Business School. The study is titled "Fisher-Price Toy, Inc." Harvard Business School Case Number 572-029 (1971). Students are presented the product scenario pre-launch and are asked to come up with pricing strategy and an advertising budget to launch the new product.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |