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Description: The children's Hospital was the 2nd Little People playset to be introduced entirely of plastic (meaning no wood or masonite in either the people or the base). The first was 1975's #938 Sesame Street. This may have been a revelation or not--the Little People line began to dwindle in quality as the years went on from this point. There was nothing cheap nor dwindling about the hospital however; the accessories, many of them exclusives, were well produced and contained velcro straps and working machines. The non-descript privacy screen is the hardest piece to find and can fetch $20-$50 by itself. Sadly, this set was only made for 2 years, making all of the exclusive pieces even harder to find. The only easy to find pieces are the doctor and the ambulance as they were used in several other sets, including the long running #126 Ambulance set.
The base itself is a 2-story building with an elevator to transport patients from the operating room to the parient room. The elevator has realistic closing upstairs and downstairs doors and a floor indicator dial. The base also features a rolltop garage door and a fold-down sundeck flap attached to the front of the building. This fold-down flap had a tendancy to break off, causing it to be yet another hard-to-find piece for this set.
- Hospital Base:
- B931A - Hospital Base - 2-story rectangular hospital with a grey plastic base, yellow walls, and a red flat roof with a white plastic carry handle on top. The hospital has a removable fold-down front wall (plastic) that is a seperate part number. The red roof above the front wall is hinged...it lifts to play inside the hospital, or lowers over the folded-up front wall to prevent accessory pieces from falling out when in transport. The hospital back wall has a white Ambulance door that lifts and lowers, plus 5 windows. The inside of the hospital has an elevator that lifts and lower via red hand crank on one side of the hospital base. The lst and 2nd floor elevator doors have a white door that slides from side to side. A red pointer above the 1st floor elevator door shows which floor level the elevator is on, and it moves as the elevator is raised or lowered. The base also has a red pull-knob on the front (inside below 2nd level floor) that rings a bell when pulled. Overall size: 14" wide, 5-7/8" deep, and 9" tall. When the red hinged front roof is folded down, it shows a red paper litho with 2 pictures of children and the words "Fisher-Price PLAY FAMILY" in ENGLISH. When the roof is folded up, it has a 2 picture of children and the words "Fisher-Price CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL" in ENGLISH. *See "Variations" below.
- W931A - Flat rectangular yellow plastic hospital front "wall" that attaches to the B931A hospital base. The wall has a large paper litho on the "outside" with a picture of a yellow brick wall, 4 windows with children, doctors, and nurses showing the windows, and a double "glass" door in the front center. There is a red awning above the door marked "931". There is a large white plus sign (+) above the door with a "F" and "P" within circles in the center of the plus sign. Marked "CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL" in a circle around the plus sign. The words are in ENGLISH. The wall has a large paper litho on the "inside" with a picture of a long narrow blue river with a "wooden" bridge and pathways, green grassy garden areas, a stone walkway, and a rounded pond. Overall size: 12" wide, 7-1/8" tall, and 1-3/8" thick. *See "Variations" below.
- Hospital Vehicles and Accessories:
- FPT441 - White Ambulance vehicle with a red base, a red siren on top, and "Ambulance" heat-stamped in black on the side. Wheels marked "Fisher-Price Toys".
- FPT681 - Turquoise Gurney (stretcher bed that fits in Ambulance) with 4 red wheels and a white velcro strap to hold the patient in place.
- Hospital Furniture:
- 2 each - FPT163 - Squared turquoise plastic single seat chair with a high squared backrest and small "legs" on the bottom corners.
- 2 each - FPT105 - Turquoise rectangular plastic single bed. The bed has a raised rounded headboard and a slightly raised rounded footboard. The bed has 4 short rectangular legs (one on each corner). The top of the bed was originally sold with YELLOW foam padding. The original foam padding tends to disintegrate over time.
- FPT8455 - Turquoise infant bed (cradle) with four simulated wheels (doesn't really roll). This bed has indentions on the sides that allows the baby figure to be placed sideways in the bed (as if changing her diaper) and the indention makes it easier for children to remove the baby from the cradle. Measures 2-1/4" long, 1-3/8" wide, 1" tall.
- Hospital Equipment:
- FPT8543 - Turquoise x-ray machine. Has a white spring-loaded "scale" on bottom and a movable display "window" on back side that shows an image of a skeleton or "X-RAY" wording.
- FPT725 - Turquoise plastic weight scales with a red movable pointer and a white spring-loaded platform that moves the red pointer when depressed.
- FPT729 - Turquoise deep-bowl sink with a molded faucet and knobs on the back edge and an extended flat countertop on the the right side of the sink bowl. Size: 2-1/8" wide, 1-1/8" deep, 1-1/4" tall.
- FPT901 - White operating table with an overhead light. The overhead light resembles a shower head.
- FPT22097 - White privacy screen (flat screen with checkered texture imprinted on both sides).
- FPT682 - White 1-seat wheelchair that rolls on 2 large red wheels. The 2 small "wheels" under the footrest do not roll. The 2 small "push handles" on the back of the wheelchair often break off.
- 7 Original Little People Figures - All figures have a plastic body and a plastic head:
- BQPP - Green dad with black heat-stamped hair.
- FNPP - Blue mom with fancy eyes, and a blonde ponytail.
- GMPP - Red girl with a blonde bob with bangs.
- HJPP - White baby with no bib, and a curley sprout of hair heat-stamped on the forehead.
- GXPP - White nurse with fancy eyes, a white heat-stamped mask on her face that covers her mouth and nose, and a blonde ponytail.
- ELPP - White doctor with black heat-stamped hair.
- EMPP - White Afro-American doctor with black heat-stamped hair.
- B931B - Spanish Hospital Base - When the red hinged front roof is folded down, it shows a red paper litho with 2 pictures of children and the words "Fisher-Price PLAY FAMILY" in SPANISH. When the roof is folded up, it has a 2 picture of children and the words "Fisher-Price CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL" in SPANISH.
- W931B - Hospital front wall marked "Children's Hospital" in SPANISH on the outside wall side.
Other Information:
- The 1976-1978 Fisher-Price Dealer catalogues notes that the hospital was the most requested subject for Play Family toys.
- FP931BOX1976 - (box only) - #931 Hospital original retail box.
- FP931SET1976 - (complete set) - #931 Hospital complete set in original retail box.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |