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Description: This Wal-mart Exclusive Power Wheels Jeep® features Barbie, hearts, and "love" decals. The vehicle goes up to 2-1/2 mph forward and goes in reverse. For use on hard surfaces. Designed for children ages 1-1/2 to 4 years old. Use only with a Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) rechargeable battery with built-in thermal fuse and a Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) charger (both included). |
- FPT30226 - Pink 1-seat Jeep® with Barbie, hearts, and "love" decals. The Jeep® has a white front grill, tinted windshield (with "Barbie" in pink on passenger's side), and rolls on 4 black tires with pink wheels.
Both sides of the hood are marked "Jeep" in white. The hood has a cartoon picture of Barbie, hearts, and "love" in white.
- Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) rechargeable battery with built-in thermal fuse
- Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.)
Variations: None.
Other Information: None.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |