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Description: This Wal-mart Exclusive Power Wheels Jeep® features Hot Wheels decals. The vehicle goes up to 2-1/2 mph forward and goes in reverse. For use on hard surfaces. Designed for children ages 1-1/2 to 4 years old. Use only with a Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) rechargeable battery with built-in thermal fuse and a Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) charger (both included). |
- FPT30227 - Grey 1-seat Jeep® with Hot Wheels decals. The Jeep® has a silver front grill, tinted windshield (top area of windshild is marked "Hot Wheels" in yellow, black, and red), and rolls on 4 black tires with silver wheels (red center caps).
Both sides of the hood are marked "Jeep" in yellow. The hood is marked "Team Hot Wheels", side and rear corners have flame decals.
- Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.) rechargeable battery with built-in thermal fuse
- Power Wheels® 6 Volt (4.0 amp/hr.)
Variations: None.
Other Information: None.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |