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Description: Turn the crank to get the car wash moving, make the ramp go up and down, and help Walter™ the mechanic tow Eddie's car! Designed for children ages 1 to 5 years old. |
- FPT31236 - Gas 'n Go -
Small grey Garage and Car Wash building with a yellow roof. The building is on a grey rectangular base with yellow upright peg on the 2 back corners (to connect to other pieces). The Garage features a car wash with blue fabric danging 'cleaners', inside includes a red car lift and a checked out counter (with window). One side of the building has a gas pump with a flexible yellow gas hose. Front top edge of the roof has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo and is marked "Little People" in yellow/blue text. A "sign" under the text features litho of green background and a red car with 2 wash rollers. Bottom of the base is marked "77604, FISHER-PRICE, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF ©2002 MATTEL, INC. EAST AURORA, NY 14052 CHINA".
- FPT31237 - Yellow 'fence' section with a RED gas pump. The pump has a yellow hose attached and one side of the pump features a yellow litho price and gallons display (marked $5.29
- 2 Vehicles:
- FPT31239 - Tow Truck -
Red 1-seat tow truck with a BLUE tow boom and movable "hook". Truck rolls on 4 black wheels. Bottom of the truck is marked "77604 ©2002 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT31240 - Car - Yellow 1-seat car with black wheels and a HINGED hood. Lift hood to see the 'engine' lithograph sticker inside. Bottom of the car is marked "©2002 MATTEL MADE IN CHINA".
- 2 Little People figures:
- FPT31241 - Walter™ the Mechanic -
African-American boy in blue shirt and pants (yellow oval design on chest). He wears GREY shoes, an orange backward baseball hat, and holds a silver socket wrench in one hand. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2001 MATTEL, INC CHINA".
- FPT31242 - Eddie™ -
Boy with blond (yellow) hair, a red and white striped shirt, blue pants, white shoes, orange backpack, and holding a large frog in his right arm. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2001 MATTEL, INC CHINA".
Side of left shoe is marked, "Little People®" in curved blue text. Side of right shoe has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo.
Variations: None.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |