1986 Assortment






Description: This assortment is the very first assortment of Puffalumps made by Fisher-Price. It contained one each of six different individually boxed Puffalump animals. Although this assortment was made for only 1 year, the individual Puffalumps introduced in this assortment, except the lamb, were used in other assortments in 1987 and 1988. Each Puffalump is made of soft pastel colored fabric. They are extra cuddly and feather light. Each was sold with a one-piece removable outfit.
NOTE: In 2006 Fisher-Price reintroduced a Puffalump Assortment that includes remakes of the #8001 White Cow, #8002 Yellow Kitten, #8003 Blue Puppy, #8004 Pink Bunny, #8006 Peach Bear Cub and #8014 Duck. As with the originals, these remakes include accessory clothing and the Puffalump logo on bottom of their right foot. Apparently the only difference between the remakes and originals is the remakes have a red/white Fisher-Price awning logo on the box and on the Puffalump's tush tag.
- #8001 Cow - White cow wearing a white dress with 3 pink hearts on the collar.
- #8002 Kitten - Yellow kitty wearing a yellow dress.
- #8003 Puppy - Blue puppy wearing a blue jumper.
- #8004 Bunny - Pink bunny wearing a pink dress with a sailor's collar.
- #8005 Lamb - Pink lamb with a white face, wearing a pink dress.
- #8006 Bear Cub - Peach bear cub wearing peach shirt and shorts (attached).
- Click on the links above to see the color variations for each Puffalump.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |