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Front Bumper with Logo and "Little People"

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Description: Fun garbage truck featuring sounds! Turn the handle up to open the truck's compactor door ('clank-clank' sounds). Put the garbage can in the compactor, turn the crank down to close the truck's compactor door ('crunch crunch' sound). Sold with a Sanitation worker figure and a trash can. Trash can has a mound of "trash" on one end, and empty on the other end to turn the trash can from full to empty! Designed for children ages 1 to 5 years old.
Requires TWO AA-size batteries. Note this set replaced 2000's #77875 Garbage Truck with a different figure and slightly different markings on the truck. This set was replaced in 2003 with #77606 Clanky the Garbage Truck (smiley face on front of truck), which requires 3 batteries vs. 2. |
- FPT31247 -
Garbage Truck -
Large green 1-seat garbage truck with a yellow base, yellow crank handle on the left side, and a yellow compactor door on back that opens and closes (making sounds) when the crank handle is turned. Truck has a grey U-shaped handled above the driver's seat. Sides of the truck has no markings. Front of the truck has 2 yellow 'headlights' and a small red and white Fisher-Price awning logo and "Little People" in yellow/blue text above the 'grill'.
The truck's compactor door has a red recycle symbol. Bottom of truck has a battery cover compartment (held in place via phillips head screw) to hold TWO AA-size batteries. Truck rolls on 4 big black tires with yellow 'wheels'.
- FPT31245 - Can of Trash - 2" tall round grey trash can with 2 handles and a brown rounded mound of trash (blue fish bones, yellow banana peel, grey show) on one end. Inside is hollow and other end of trash can is open (empty). Turn trash can over to go from full to empty (or vise versa).
- FPT31248 - Sanitation Worker -
Man with brown hair and moustache, orange backward cap, orange gloves, and holding a black trash bag over one shoulder. Wears a blue jumpsuit with green design on chest and white rag in back pocket. Side of left foot has a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Side of right foot is marked "Little People®" in yellow text.
None. |
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |