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Description: This mini tow set comes with 2 vehicles (a tow truck and a car), a truck driver/mechanic and a phone booth fence section. The car has a hood that really lifts to reveal a light car engine. Designed for children ages 1 years and older.
- FPT50357 - Tow Truck - Small green 1-seat tow truck with a BLUE tow boom and movable "hook". Truck rolls on 4 black wheels. Bottom of truck is marked, "77716 ©2001 MATTEL, INC. CHINA".
- FPT50358 - Car - Small blue rounded one-seat car. The car has molded front headlights, small molded rear-view mirrors on the sides, molded doors on the sides, a small rounded windshield on the front, and a raised rectangular piece behind the seat. The car rolls on 4 black plastic treaded wheels with recessed areas on the center. Car hood is hinged, lifts up to reveal a motor litho inside.
Side of car does NOT have a logo.
- FPT31287 - Fence Section - Yellow 'fence' section with 2 upright posts (C-shaped clamp on one post) with a telephone phone booth and city map. The City map lithograph sticker features roads, house, and traffic signs.
- FPT30691 - Driver/Mechanic -
Male mechanic with brown hair and moustache that wears a blue jumpsuit, red cap (backwards), holds a silver wrench in his left hand. Has black shoes. Side of left shoe is marked "Little People®" in curved yellow text. Side of right shoe is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. Bottom of figure is marked, "©2002 MATTEL, INC, CHINA".
Variations: None.
Other Information:
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |