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Description: The Briarberry Collection Bedroom Set includes a beautifully detailed rose-colored wood-simulated bed. This brilliantly designed bed can fold up to a chair! The bedroom set also includes a blanket, pillow, storybook, teddybear, and nightgown that fits any of the Briarberrys. Designed for children ages 3 years and older.
- FPT14091 - Rose-colored wood-simulated bed that folds up to become a chair. Has rose-colored berries, green leaves, and vines on the headboard.
Bottom of bed has an imprint marked, "71464, ©1998 FISHER-PRICE, INC., CHINA". *See "Variations" below.
- Bedding:
- FPT14092 - 9" x 9" Light yellow velour blanket with a white cotton top edge. The white cotton edge features a white 'leaf' design.
- FPT14093 - Rectangular white cotton stuffed fluffy pillow features a white 'leaf' design. Pillow has a white satin tag marked, "©1998, 71464".
- Book & Toy:
- FPT14094 - Blue plastic storybook that is hinged in the middle to open and close. Book cover has a molded bear design. Inside book has 2 paper litho pictures, one on each inside "page" of the book. One side has a picture of a momma bear giving baby bear a bath in a pink tub. The other side has a picture of momma and baby bear.
- FPT14095 - Small light brown (plush-simulated) plastic teddy bear in an upright sitting position (arms and bottom of feet facing forward). Bear has brown eyes, nose, and mouth, and a pink bow on top of her head. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT14096 - White sleeveless night gown that has a small green ribbon bow on the chest, and rose berries and green leaves embroidered on the bottom left edge. The dress features a white 'leaf' design, has white lace around the arm openings, and ruffles across the bottom edge. The back of the dress has Velcro® brand fasteners.
- FPT31164 - Rose-colored wood-simulated bed that folds up to become a chair. Has rose-colored berries, green leaves, and vines on the headboard.
Bottom of bed has an imprint marked, "75010 / 71464, ©1998 MATTEL, INC., CHINA".
Other Information:
- FP71464SET1999 - This set was sold on a L-shaped cardboard display card in a transparent dust cover "box".
- This set was replaced in 2000 with #75062 (same as above minus the teddy bear and night gown).
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks! |