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Roll-A-Round™ Vehicles "Airplane"
Years Made:
Fisher-Price Toy Department
Department 7:

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Description: This set includes a Roll-A-Round™ figure and a small airplane that the figure fits in. The figure is a ball with a plastic covering over the top. The ball has face designs on it that shows through a small face window in the plastic covering. The plane has a propeller that spins. Designed for children ages 6 to 36 months old.
  • FPT12115 - Pilot figure - Orange ball with a black printed face. The ball has a green plastic covering with a hole on the bottom to allow the ball to roll, and a face hole on the side to allow the printed face on the ball to show. The cover has a molded pilot's hat on top with a yellow printed airplane design above the hat bill.
  • FPT12116 - Small yellow top, white base airplane that rolls on 2 blue wheels. The plane has one large seat to hold a Roll-a-Round™ figure, and a red spinning propeller on the front with 3 short propeller blades. The top of one wing is marked with a red and white Fisher-Price awning logo. WFL: 07-AF-22-3-A
Variations: None.
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