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Description: In 1931, Fisher-Price introduced the #355 Go 'n' Back Bruno, a Walky Balky toy propelled by a motor that makes the toy walk forward and back up unpredictably. In 1932, Fisher-Price transformed Bruno into a 2-legging motorized walking Bear pushing a wheel barrow in the #375 Bruno Bak-Up. By 1933, Fisher-Price dropped the walking motor and simply introduced Bruno as an upright push-toy that rolls on wooden wheels. In 1933 Bruno carried a parasol over his head, but the parasol was omitted by 1934 and replaced with a metal bell in Bruno's hand.
- 1933-1933 Pushy Bruno - FPT4390 - Wooden cut-out bear with four-color lithography attached to the sides. Bruno is a black bear with a tan face, red nose, red mouth, and red cheeks. He is wearing a red shirt with white collar and blue/white checkered tie. He has 2 red wooden arms and 2 black wooden legs that are attached to 2 red wheels. He has a hole in his back for the removable stick push stick. Bruno is holding a round parasol over his head. Measures 10-3/4" high, 5-1/2" long, 3-3/4" wide. *See "Variations" below.
- FPT4814 - Blue 18" long wooden push stick with red knob on end.
- 1934-1935 Pushy Bruno - FPT4391 - Wooden cut-out bear with four-color lithography attached to the sides. Bruno is a black bear with a tan face, red nose, red mouth, and red cheeks. He is wearing a red shirt with white collar and blue/white checkered tie. He has 2 red wooden arms and 2 black wooden legs that are attached to 2 red wheels. He has a hole in his back for the removable stick push stick. Bruno is holding a silver bell in his hand. Measures 10-1/2" high, 5-1/2" long, 4" wide.
Other Information:
- 1933-1934 retail price was .59¢.
- 1935 retail price was .50¢
- Also see 1932's #375 Bruno Bak-Up wind-up toy.
Please, if you have any information or details about this toy that isn't mentioned above then e-mail us. Thanks!